View Full Version : [DR1] Coca-Cola puts to rest rumors

08-02-2006, 04:10 PM
Spokespersons for the Coca-Cola Company in the Dominican Republic have put to rest rumors of a sale of the company. Spokesperson Juan Jose Ayuso told El Caribe reporters that the company was exploring the possibility of creating an alliance with a Mexican firm. He explained that Price-Waterhouse was carrying out an audit to see whether or not there were any weak points in the largest soft drink company in the Dominican Republic. Ayuso pointed out that the company, Refrescos Nacionales, was owned by Dominican shareholders and that the Coca-Cola company held a 3% share of Refrescos Nacionales.

Ayuso passed around a circular from Abraham Selman, owner of Refrescos Nacionales that pointed out that within six or seven weeks a Mexican company would be carrying out an evaluation process in the areas of production, logistics and administration and this process would be in support of the recommendations made by Price Waterhouse.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#8)