View Full Version : [DR1] Freddy Beras Goico favors measures

08-02-2006, 04:10 PM
Humorist, television producer and molder of public opinion, Freddy Beras Goico has come out strongly in favor of the recent Presidential decrees that limit the sale of alcoholic beverages and facilitate military and police searches of vehicles and people.

According to Beras Goico, "the people were waiting for something like this." He called the measures "very good" and had special praise for the restriction on the sale of liquor. He pointed out that neighbors of the much-discussed "colmadones" - small convenience stores with large speaker systems that sell beverages until all hours - were sleeping a lot better now. The humorist also reminded El Caribe reporters that parties used to start at eight o'clock and end at twelve. He said, "I think the measures are good and that they will be effective, and moreover, they are doing something," referring to the police patrols.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)