View Full Version : Sobeida enters DR jail

07-22-2010, 03:30 PM
Sobeida Felix Morel, the girlfriend of legendary Puerto Rican capo Jose David Figueroa Agosto entered the Najayo Jail last night. She had been a fugitive of Dominican justice since skipping bail in October 2009. She had been arrested on 4 September 2009, in possession at the time of luxury apartment and a SUV with US$4.6 million inside, and faced charges for being an accomplice to criminals and money laundering.
Press reports indicate she left Puerto Rico voluntarily to avoid being deported. El Dia reports she arrived with a commission of Dominican prosecutors and agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigations of the US. Listin Diario reports that the private plane that transported her to the DR was paid for by the Dominican government.
In continuing with the soap opera slant of the case, the press highlighted how she entered the jail with her Louis Vuitton bag. The US Marshal had described her and Figueroa as: "they both love the high life, excluding dining and living conditions." Figueroa himself was described by the US Marshal as the Escobar of the Caribbean.
Hoy reports: "It seemed as if a beauty queen that had just won an international contest was returning. TV sets were tuned in to watch the details of the arrival of the woman who had conquered the heart of Figueroa Agosto, now under arrest in Puerto Rico. The lady, whose elegance is the talk of men and women, arrived on a private jet via Las Americas International Airport in the custody of two agents of the DEA and two of the FBI together with National District prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso and adjunct prosecutor Frank Soto". She was immediately escorted to Najayo jail by a trail of 15 military vehicles, as reported in Diario Libre.
In Puerto Rico, the press was allowed to ask Figueroa questions when he was arrested and arraigned, but Felix Morel was kept off limits to the Dominican press. The press also highlighted the high security measures taken, in contrast to the more relaxed security measures during the arrest of Figueroa in Puerto Rico.
Her boyfriend of the past 6 years, Figueroa, who was arrested on Saturday in San Juan, Puerto Rico, had walked from a high security Puerto Rican jail with forged papers, despite serving a 209-year sentence for kidnapping, torturing and murdering a member of his gang who he held responsible for 100 kilos of cocaine that were missing. Figueroa had moved to the DR in 2001 where he based operations in drug trafficking under forged Dominican identities for around 10 years.
In the DR and Puerto Rico, who their accomplices in government were that enabled them to transit between the DR and Puerto Rico. Figueroa was known to have various identities and IDs of Dominican anti-drug and security bodies.
Diario Libre says that the Police and National Drug Control Department (DNCD) agents were not seen participating in the security exercise. The Dominican Police and DNCD were present in Puerto Rico for the announcement of the arrest of Figueroa Agosto. News commentators have mentioned the rift between the prosecutor general operations and those of the Police and DNCD.
The Listin Diario compiles details on the life of the North Coast woman who went from being a poor girl in Gaspar Hernandez, to being a "dancer" in Switzerland at 17 years, to the high-rolling girlfriend of the man known as the Pablo Escobar of the Caribbean.
http://www2.listindiario.com/la-republica/2010/7/22/151563/De-muchacha-pueblerina... (http://www2.listindiario.com/la-republica/2010/7/22/151563/De-muchacha-pueblerina-a-diva-del-escandalo)

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