View Full Version : Death threats against chiefs

07-23-2010, 04:00 PM
A source told the Nuevo Diario that the death threats against the Chief of the National Police and head of the National Drug Control Agency (DNCD) are real, and that these threats are extended to the family of the officials.
El Caribe noted that Police Chief Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin admitted that he and his family have received threats from persons identified as related to drug trafficking. He played the threats down as something normal that happens when there is a fight against crime.
Both high ranking officers were present at the Palace of Justice in Ciudad Nueva where they met with judicial authorities for 45 minutes discussing issues relating to the case of Figueroa Agosto and Sobeida Felix Morel. The case of Sobeida Felix Morel, girlfriend of the arrested Puerto Rican drug capo, will be heard 11 August.
The El Nacional newspaper published an article that reported that several paid assassins came to the Dominican Republic, allegedly under orders from Figueroa Agosto to kill both the Police chief and the head of the DNCD, since they had refused a US$20 million bribe. The newspaper also said that both generals had sent members of their families abroad on the recommendation of persons working the case.

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