View Full Version : Fernandez: Create a Palestine state

07-26-2010, 06:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez called for the co- existence of two independent states in the Middle East. He advocated the creation of the independent Palestine state in the Middle East to resolve the Israel/Palestine conflict. The conclusion came after the two days of sessions at the Funglode Peace Forum in Cap Cana, 23-25 July.
Fernandez rejected the use of military force and instead called for a negotiated solution. "We are talking about the state of Israel that already exists, that is recognized and has its security guaranteed, and the creation of an independent Palestine state, with full rights of its territory," said President Fernandez at the closing. He feels Latin America should become a new player in the resolution of the conflict.
http://www.funglode.org/SalaPrensa/Detalledelart%C3%ADculo/tabid/... (http://www.funglode.org/SalaPrensa/Detalledelart%C3%ADculo/tabid/82/smid/370/ArticleID/851/reftab/37/Default.aspx)

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