View Full Version : Worshipping Sobeida

07-26-2010, 06:00 PM
Dominican adulation to Sobeida Felix Morel, the arrested lover of convicted murderer and drug capo Jose David Figueroa, so apparent in the press coverage of the infamous diva is a reflection of how superficial and materialistic Dominican society has become, say analysts. Today, image, money and physical beauty are highly regarded, according to a news story in Hoy on Sunday. The story focuses on how the fact that Sobeida Felix Morel was wearing handcuffs was downplayed by a press that focused on her make up and her Louis Vuitton handbag. Felix Morel arrived deported from Puerto Rico last week, where she had fled, despite legal bans on her travel.
Sociologist Ramon Tejada Holguin told Hoy: "What we are seeing is that our youth want to have a SUV, money, expensive clothes, luxury handbags, houses and enormous purchasing power with the least effort."
Tejada Holguin says it is damaging to continue to feed the image that people have of Sobeida. "The press should not continue to feed the glamorous slant of Sobeida, but should rather focus on the charges and the crimes behind her ties with Figueroa Agosto. Figueroa Agosto was convicted in 1999 to 209 years in jail for murder in a drug-related case. He walked from the Puerto Rican jail and is known to have operated practically at large using 4 false identities and several Dominican government security IDs in the DR for 10 years.
Psychologist Ana Luna Espaillat told Hoy that Sobeida behaves as a sociopath. "She always has that smile and that calm and pretends to seduce all that are around her because for her, nothing is nothing, and what has happened does not matter," said the psychologist.
She explained that the press focuses on their lives millionaires, their luxury vehicles, and so they appear as winners and role models to follow. "We are in a difficult situation because now everyone identifies with this couple of beautiful people that have everything and have played with the authorities and they see that as good," said Luna Espaillat.

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