View Full Version : The great Dominican babe

07-26-2010, 06:00 PM
Also writing in Hoy on Sobeida Felix Morel, the girlfriend of Jose David Figueroa Agosto, described by the US Marshals Service as the "Escobar of the Caribbean," Dominican journalist Juan Bolivar Diaz dubs the woman "the great Dominican babe (mami) and explains how Dominicans have a fascination with her such as Americans had with Marilyn Monroe.
Bolivar writes: "It is a self portrait of Dominican society, its perversions and frustrations, confusion of values, our social anomalies, the resignation that this week don Jose Leon rejected [he spoke about how Dominicans have accepted the high level of corruption and drug trafficking with impotence], the cynicism of our authorities, and the fascination of Dominicans for chit-chat and distraction."
Bolivar says that aware of our weaknesses, government strategists took advantage of "the wave of Sobeidism" to announce an increase in the fuel prices, which is nothing more than another penalty on Dominican society in order to compensate for the excesses of government itself in its quest for a sweep in the past congressional election.
"The Sobeida phenomenon is a collective creation. It was begun by the authorities that turned her into the central figure of a network of drug traffickers that public opinion tied to power, politicians, military and police, such as the cases of Paya, Tono Lena, and Mr. Del Tiempo, the three leading figures of the drug trafficking scandals of the past year.
He makes the point that all three - Del Tiempo (Spain), Tono (Venezuela) and Figueroa (Puerto Rico) - were arrested abroad, after they had fled from the DR. He explains... "As happened in the case of Quirino, six years ago, when we confessed we did not have capacity to judge them. But, Dominican justice is confidant it can revindicate itself by trying Sobeida".
Bolivar says that our limitations and weaknesses have turned Sobeida into a legend and chapters of a national soap. "Many have the illusion of touching her fortune, regardless of its legitimacy. They see in her the portrait of their own frustrations, in this society marked by impunity, where the rope breaks where it is weakest.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)