View Full Version : PUCMM has graduate studies building

07-27-2010, 02:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez was at the inauguration of the Graduate Studies Building of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) yesterday. The PUCMM is the country's largest private university.
The RD$932 million building covers a 9,000 square meter area and has 23 classrooms, several labs, meeting rooms, cafeteria, study rooms, etc. Furnishings cost RD$59 million more. Construction has already begun on a 4-level parking building with capacity for 404 vehicles. This will cost an additional RD$220 million.
Rector Agripino Nunez said that the university offers 43 programs at the masters and doctorate levels, many in collaboration with universities in Europe and the Americas.
Also attending the formal dedication ceremony were Vice President Rafael Alburquerque, Education Minister Melanio Paredes, Higher Education Minister Ligia Amada Melo, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, Apostolic Nuncio Josef Wesolowski, head of the mission of the Vatican in the DR, among others.

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