View Full Version : Sugar exports up

07-27-2010, 02:30 PM
The Dominican Sugar Institute (Inazucar) says that exports for the 2009-2010 harvest are up 63% in revenues. Export of raw sugar, molasses and furfural produced US$157.6 million in hard currency revenues, which is up US$60.89 million compared to last year.
The country benefited from an increase in the US sugar quota of 68,495 metric tons and an increase in international sugar prices that were up 27.5%. Also furfural exports to the US and European markets were up.
Production of sugar for the harvest through 22 July was 506,000 metric tons, 32.2 million gallons of molasses, and 26,856 metric tons of furfural.
The leading producer was Central Romana with 366,757 metric tons or 72.48% of the total. The two other large producers were Barahona with 71,000 for 14% and Cristobal Colon with 11.32% or 57,274 metric tons.

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