View Full Version : Govt to meet with business sector

07-30-2010, 04:21 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has invited the business sector to a meeting at the Presidential Palace on Monday to discuss the bills that seek to index fuels and reduce tax incentives for the business sector. Hacienda Minister Vicente Bengoa and Economy, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas say that the priority is to maintain the economic stability of the country. Bengoa argues that the measures will improve tax collections and make them more efficient. Montas, meanwhile, rejected the criticism from the entrepreneurs, but he said the Fernandez administration is open to talks with all sectors.
In an internal memorandum, the Association of Industry of the DR (AIRD) points out that manufacturing will suffer if Law 392-07 is modified to remove the incentive that allows industries to import raw materials free of ITBIS.

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