View Full Version : Is Sobeida just a smokescreen?

07-30-2010, 04:21 PM
In Clave weekly newspaper's 29 July edition, former prosecutor Guillermo Moreno speculates that all the attention being focused on Sobeida Felix Morel could be part of a plan to distract attention from her boyfriend Jose David Figueroa Agosto. The newspaper points out that Figueroa Agosto was no normal criminal. He had the support of influential figures in Puerto Rico, including Representative Antonio Silva, former mayor of Bayamon Ramon Luis Rivera, current mayor Ramon Luis Rivera Cruz, former representative Carlos Lopez Nieves, the former mayor of Toa Baja, Angel Buzo Rodriguez and former representative Manuel Marrero Hueca. Figueroa's father was a member of the PNP in Bayamon. They had all sent letters requesting his release from jail. On 5 November 1999, despite having been sentenced to 209 years for murder in a drug-related case, Figueroa Agosto used a forged release order and walked from the high security Rio Piedras jail.
Major General Rolando Rosado has said they are investigating the whereabouts of Francisco Solano de los Santos and Vicente Calderon Ramos, two Dominicans who also escaped from the high security jail, and are said to be in the DR. They are described as members of Figueroa's drug trafficking ring.
Moreno says that the fact that in the case prepared by local prosecutors to accuse Figueroa Agosto all is focused on the complicity surrounding the murder of former Police Colonel Jose Amado Gonzalez Gonzalez, means there is a plan to cover up. He said that on 30 December 2009 a man claiming to be Figueroa Agosto called the Z101 radio station and said that he had delivered US$1 million to Gonzalez Gonzalez so he could bribe DNCD officers. Moreno says that the identity of Colonel Gonzalez Gonzalez's superiors would emerge with a serious investigation. He says the authorities have not established who had ordered Figueroa Agosto to be allocated a National Department of Investigations (DNI) ID or the IDs that he used in the DR.
Furthermore, he said that a serious and responsible investigation would reveal the ties that explain why the Supervisory Office of Engineers of the Presidency, directed by senator-elect Felix Bautista, had granted multi-million peso government contracts to Mary Pelaez, under arrest for money laundering and complicity with Figueroa Agosto.
He added that there is still no explanation as to how Figueroa Agosto managed to escape while being pursued 3 September 2009, bringing into the open 10 years of his alleged drug trafficking business in the DR.
His girlfriend Sobeida Felix was arrested the next day in an operation in which the authorities confiscated US$4.6 million in a Mercedes Benz SUV in the parking lot of the Alco Paradisso tower in La Esperilla.
Moreno said there are more shadows than light in the investigation by the authorities.
Daniel Pou, of FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences), also doubts the truth will be known in this case since all under arrest are minor figures, which confirms that the authorities are covering up for others.
PLD senator Wilton Guerrero agrees. "In that network there are ties to powerful people, both from civil society, political society, and military area and possibly of the Police and the DNCD itself," he said. He said that in this case "Figueroa Agosto is out, but not all the sharks that were his support, protection and impunity," as reported in Clave.
Lawyer Marino Vinicio Castillo Seman has said that if that structure is not attacked, in a short time there will be another Figueroa Agosto with another name. "Nobody believes that Figueroa Agosto, who escaped from Puerto Rico in 1999 and was sentenced to 209 years in jail, could come here and become the king of cocaine without major ties to those in power - civilian, military and police power," said Castillo, as reported in Clave on 29 July 2010. See clavedigital.com

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