View Full Version : Truck driver's kidnappers want $100,000

07-30-2010, 04:21 PM
Six Haitians are said to have kidnapped a Dominican freight driver, Miguel Jose Gil Reyes in Otrou, Haiti on Wednesday night, and are demanding a ransom of US$100,000, according to the owner of the trailer that Gil Reyes was driving. Miguel Perez told Hoy reporters that the kidnappers have called on three occasions and they even let him talk to Gil Reyes. The driver said that he was in a little house in the hills but he could not identify the place. Members of the transport unions have announced that if the driver is not returned they will boycott the frontier and not permit the normal bi-national market from being held.
Listin Diario said that the kidnapping took place near the site where President Leonel Fernandez is scheduled to participate in the groundbreaking for a US$50 million university.
Luis Munoz Ramon Baldera told Listin Diario that Miguel Jose Gil was one of three freight trucks that were returning after delivering construction materials to Cap-Haitien when they were intercepted by six armed men. He said that Gil was in the first truck that was intercepted.

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