View Full Version : Americas Security Conference

08-02-2010, 01:50 PM
Starting on Thursday and continuing through 8 August, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode) is hosting the II International Conference on Security and Defense in the Americas: Trends and Strategy. Delegates will discuss security risks and transnational threats at the regional, hemispheric and global levels. These include discussions on drug trafficking in the Caribbean, Colombia and Mexico, money laundering, digital crimes, private security and the influence of the media in national security, among other topics.
The event is coordinated by the Center for Security and Defense Studies (CESEDE).
Coming for the event is the president of the Inter-American Defense Board, Lieutenant General Roberto Machado E. Silva. The Inter-American Defense Board is an international committee of nationally appointed defense officials, who develop collaborative approaches on common defense and security issues facing the Americas.
Also Marcela Donadio, executive secretary of RESDAL (Security Network on Security and Defense in Latin America). The conference concludes on 8 August.
www.funglode.org/SalaPrensa/Detalledelart%C3%ADculo/tabid/82/smid/370/... (http://www.funglode.org/SalaPrensa/Detalledelart%C3%ADculo/tabid/82/smid/370/ArticleID/859/reftab/37/Default.aspx)

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