View Full Version : Figueroa's porn videos

08-03-2010, 02:40 PM
Pirated videos with pornographic scenes showing Puerto Rican convicted murderer Jose David Figueroa and his Dominican lover Sobeida Felix are for sale on city streets for RD$50. Photos of Figueroa Agosto and Sobeida Felix are on the cover of the videos. El Dia reported that Figueroa Agosto had a sophisticated video filming system installed in Apartment 14B of the Alco Paradisso tower in La Esperilla. There has been a great deal of speculation about other people featured in the other videos taken by Figueroa's systems that were seized by the Prosecutor General Office and the Police when they were searched following the arrest of Sobeida Felix. These four are the first, nevertheless, to be put on the market.
Prosecutor General Radhames Jimenez Pena called for an investigation into how these videos had been leaked.
Prosecutor Jimenez Pena said, as reported in Diario Libre: "If this is becoming a business and there are people profiting from the activity, then I believe the legitimate rights on this copyright belong to Mr. Jose Figueroa Agosto and Mrs. Sobeida Felix Morel."
In the videos, Figueroa Agosto appears in a cabana with several women and talking on the phone about SUVs. Figueroa Agosto is also seen supposedly having sex with women who are under arrest in the Figueroa Agosto case.
El Caribe reports that the lawyers of Mary and Dolphy Pelaez, both under arrest in connection with the case, condemned the video in which Figueroa Agosto is said to have sex with around 10 women. Lawyers Jose Rafael Ariza and Ingrid Hidalgo said the circulation of the video shows the state prosecutors' weak management of evidence. He says the videos prove the women's innocence, since it shows that they were just lovers of Figueroa Agosto.
As reported in Hoy, Mary Pelaez and Sammy Dauhajre's lawyer, Jose Ariza accused the Prosecutor General Office of making a show with the videos.
Hidalgo, lawyer of Dolphy Pelaez, speculated: "They filtered this to someone to be circulated to put these girls in evidence," as quoted in El Caribe.
Commenting on the case the state prosecutors are preparing against Figueroa Agosto, who is under arrest in Puerto Rico, Jimenez Pena said that if necessary, prosecutors would travel to Puerto Rico to question him. Nine people are accused of complicity with criminals and money laundering in the DR.

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