View Full Version : Pared Perez, Abel Martinez to lead Congress

08-04-2010, 03:10 PM
The PLD Political Committee has confirmed that Reynaldo Pared Perez will continue as Senate president and Cristina Lizardo will stay on as vice-president in the new session that opens on 16 August.
The committee also selected Santiago deputy-elect Abel Martinez to lead the Chamber of Deputies. The incumbent, Julio Cesar Valentin was elected senator for Santiago for the PLD.
Pared Perez, the secretary general of the PLD, reported that the PLD committee also limited the positions to two-year terms. The legislators were elected to serve for six years.
The Political Committee decided to back their political ally, the PRSC, which wants a PRSC member to continue at the helm of the Dominican Municipal League, the body that distributes funds to city councils. The Political Committee said that they did not care who the PRSC choose to run the League.
Regarding the leadership of key municipalities, the committee renewed its position that mayors should name the president of the municipal council for the first year.
A decision on the replacement for the late senator-elect from El Seibo, Manuel Ramon Antonio Jacobo, was left until the new Congress begins its work in August.

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