View Full Version : DA tries to stop Agosto video sales

08-04-2010, 03:10 PM
The District Attorney for the National District will request coercive measures against 17 people who were arrested for selling a DVD with scenes of Puerto Rican Jose David Figueroa Agosto having sexual relations with several women. District Attorney Alejandro Moscoso Segarra said that by selling pornographic materials, they are in violation of articles 337 and 337-1 of the Penal Code and 169, paragraph 2. Letters b and c of Law 65-00 regarding copyrights. He announced that the following had been arrested and that he would seek coercive measures against them: Jonathan Valoy, Jose Miguel Acosta, Martin Solis, Naeudy Polanco, Melvin Pichardo, Wilkin Paniagua, Gabriel Garcia, Juan Carlos Ramos, Ariel Leandro, Robinson Rosario de la Cruz, Cesar Nunez, Inocencio Guzman, Marcos Castro Ruiz, Jeffry Pena Salas, Nelson de los Santos Dicent and Miguel Monegro Rivera.
Dozens of pirated DVDs were confiscated when the men were arrested, according to the District Attorney's office. Moscoso Segarra said that the video is not being used as evidence in the accusation against the defendants in the Figueroa Agosto network, "therefore it does not affect the chain of custody in anyway".
Attorney General Radhames Jimenez Pena said that there are orders to seize these videos because they go against good customs and taste. He also reminded reporters that the country is a signatory to the DR-CAFTA agreement and these videos and their sale contravene the free trade regulations.
Assistant AG Frank Soto said that the authorities have not been able to find out how these videos had reached the hands of the people who reproduced them. Nevertheless, he said that the investigation was ongoing, and warned that the sale of the video is a crime.
The video is still being sought after in the streets where it sells for RD$100 or RD$150 each. Rafael Soriano, a street vendor who has been selling pirated DVDs and CDs for five years told reporters that the pornographic DVD was "the most sold picture in recent memory". The sidewalk salesmen earn RD$25 for each DVD they sell, "but if we can sell them for more than RD$100, the rest is ours".

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