View Full Version : Only 2% make it to Major Leagues

08-04-2010, 03:10 PM
All Major League Baseball teams have some sort of baseball academy in the DR to nurture the stars of the future. But a report in Time Magazine says that the number of Dominicans that strike out and never make it is just too high. "But buried beneath these charming yarns are the often cruel, sometimes criminal, ways in which all that Dominican talent gets curated," writes reporter Sean Gregory.
Time Magazine tells that aside from the US, more Major League Baseball (MLB) players are born in the DR than any other country on the globe. Of the 833 major league players on opening-day rosters, 86 of them, more than 10%, hailed from the D.R. Venezuela followed in number of foreign players, with 58.
According to the report, MLB recognizes that the system is broken. Living conditions in the baseball academies, created by MLB teams to train their Dominican signees, have vastly improved over the past decade. But Time says many could use a face-lift, though.
Read more: www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2004099,00.html (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2004099,00.html#ixzz0veYjXFj2)

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