View Full Version : Figueroa sex video vendors get bail

08-05-2010, 03:40 PM
A judge has imposed bail of RD$5,000 and RD$3,000 on 5 of 17 men accused of selling a pornographic video showing Jose David Figueroa having sex with six different women.
As reported in Hoy, the District Prosecutor accused the men of violating Art. 309 of the Penal Code and Art. 226 of the Copyright Law.
The prosecutors, nevertheless, have not presented the person responsible for starting the business to Justice.
The videos were produced from material the Police and Prosecutor General confiscated during the search of the apartment of Jose David Figueroa Agosto, who was sentenced to 209 years in jail for a drug-related murder case in Puerto Rico.
Figueroa Agosto was described as the Pablo Escobar of the Caribbean by the US Marshals Service when they were on his trail after he left the Puerto Rican jail using a forged release order and moved to the DR.
Hoy reports that the video was a sell out with much demand from all over the country.
The videos showing Figueroa's sexual prowess were first presented to the press by the National Police and the National Drug Control Department at a press conference earlier this year.

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