View Full Version : Why there is no US Ambassador in DR

08-09-2010, 02:30 PM
The fact that there has not been an US ambassador in the DR for 18 months is nothing to do with the choice of ambassador or with any internal factors within the DR, as revealed on the Think Progress website. ThinkProgress is a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
On a blog by Andrea Nill on the website, the reasons why the US Senate has not ratified the nomination of Arizona State University professor Raul H Yzaguirre to serve as ambassador to the DR are explained. The website publishes a letter by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton asking Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) to release his hold on Yzaguirre's nomination. Clinton reasons in the letter that Yzaguirre's nomination has been held up "for reasons completely unrelated to his credentials or fitness to serve." She explains that the fact that Kyl is bitter over the fact that the Iran Sanctions Act doesn't make the Iranian people as miserable as he would like them to be has little to do with US interests in the Caribbean. She notes that the DR is a significant trading partner and a major hub for relief and reconstruction efforts in Haiti and that the US Embassy in the DR has been without a permanent ambassador for over 18 months.
As reported in Think Progress, the delays caused by Kyl could mean another five weeks will have to pass until congressional recess is over for the Senate to convene and ratify the appointment.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)