View Full Version : DR fifth in US migration in 2009

08-11-2010, 03:30 PM
4.4% of all people becoming legal permanent residents in the US in 2009 were born in the DR, according to the US Department of Homeland Security. In 2009, there were 416,000 legal immigrants to the US.
The DR is fifth in legal immigrants to the US, behind Mexico (15%), China (5.7%), the Philippines (5.3%), and India (5.1%) all countries with populations many times greater than that of the DR. The population of Mexico is estimated at 112 million, China is listed with 1.33 billion, Philippines with 92 million and India with 1.15 billion.
The five states with the largest percentage of immigrants gaining LPR status were California (20%), New York (13%), Florida (11%), Texas (8.4%) and New Jersey (5.2%). Most new LPRs in 2009 were female (55%), the median age was 31 years old and more than half were married. The largest percentages of Dominican migration are centered in New York and New Jersey.
Dominicans celebrated their 28th annual parade in New York City last Sunday 9 August.
www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=38419 (http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=38419)

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