View Full Version : RD$1 million not enough

08-12-2010, 03:50 PM
Samboy Alcantara, Dirson Diaz and Alvin Carvajal Matos were arrested after they tried to bribe agents at the National Drug Control Department in Pedernales, as reported in Diario Libre. They reportedly offered the agents RD$670,000 and US$9,000 in return for exchanging four packages of cocaine, four kilos, for fake white powder.
The drug had been discovered inside a pickup during a search at the military checkpoint in Oviedo, Pedernales.
Several hours later, Alcantara, Diaz and Carvajal Matos showed up at the inspector of the DNCD to try to bribe him with one million pesos. Diario Libre reports that Quirilio Ambiory was also arrested in connection with the case.

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