View Full Version : New legislators

08-13-2010, 04:20 PM
On 16 August, the 190 deputies and 32 senators will be sworn in for the period 16 August 2010 to 16 August 2016. This is an extraordinary six-year term because the Constitution was changed to unite the presidential and congressional election in the same year (2016).
Congress now has seats for 12 new legislators, elected through 2016, as reported in Listin Diario. This includes five new so-called national deputies, and another seven overseas deputies, new categories created in the 2010 Constitution. Previously there were 178 deputies.
The PLD will have 137 legislators - 103 deputies, 3 national deputies and 31 senators. The PRD will have 74 deputies, including 2 national deputies. The PRSC has one senator and three deputies.
The PLD is presenting Abel Martinez as the candidate to preside the Chamber of Deputies and Reinaldo Pared Perez of the National District to be re-elected as president of the Senate.
The swearing in ceremony for the senators and deputies for the extended six-year term is a white suit gala event scheduled for Monday, 16 August, a public holiday.

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