View Full Version : Come visit us, Mr President

08-13-2010, 04:20 PM
Today's Diario Libre page 2 editorial carries a short letter sent by Rosemary Cruz apparently addressed to President Leonel Fernandez.
"I see you visiting and getting to know the realities of so many brother countries.
"I discover that sensitivity in you for the needs of all those peoples. I see how you are capable of seeing in an objective way and above all achieving that restoring look that speaks of solutions to problems, of social sensitivity, of projecting to the future, correcting errors, conciliation of differences, conciliating conflicts...
"All that has impacted and moved me! I see how you are recognized internationally as a man of peace and balance, as the "anchor of the Caribbean" and I tell myself... Why don't you come for a visit, Mr. President? Stop, take a look, feel sorry for us and start 'conceptualizing' with your own on solutions, alternatives, at last... What about if you come to see us and speak to us about the FUTURE?
"We await you here, with open and empty arms, hoping that your actions, answers and decisions will bring work that will fill them.
"Come soon, because even if you do not believe it WE ARE IN CRISIS and not only economic... we have a crisis of values, of social security, of leadership and also, why not mention it, all this has generated also a crisis of dreams, of happiness, of optimism.
"What if you come and make your presence felt in the country that entrusted you with such an enormous responsibility and that does not see you, feel you or hear you.
"We are here, we THE DOMINICANS and we want you to visit us and get to know our reality so that you can help us as efficiently as you do in foreign lands. We await you here!

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)