View Full Version : Leonel "is considering re-election"

08-18-2010, 03:40 PM
Sociologist Rosario Espinal speculates that President Leonel Fernandez is considering a re-election bid in 2012. She says that he appears to be weighing public opinion on his possible re-election and assessing the PRD's attitude and the economic conditions in the country as part of his evaluation process. While focusing her comments on the possibility of a re-election bid by Fernandez, Espinal also referred to the lack of institutionalism in the country in unflattering terms. She said that this could well be attributed to politicians who engage in the perverse practice of "seeking excessive powers" after they are elected. She says that the lack of institutionalism allows these politicians to benefit themselves. She says that the best evidence of this is the fact that some people are trying to promote President Fernandez's re-election while knowing full well that this is prohibited by the Constitution.
In her comments on the morning talk show "El Bulevar con Pablo", Espinal said that popularity alone is not enough for Fernandez to obtain the nomination, since he knows that constitutionally speaking he cannot seek re-election in 2012. She added that there is no justification for Fernandez not to have put an end to the billboards and other public displays of support for a re-election bid. She mentioned the case of Brazil's very popular Lula da Silva who has made no attempt at re-election despite his popularity.

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