View Full Version : US to provide radar surveillance

08-04-2006, 07:10 PM
Armed Forces Minister Admiral Sigfrido Pared Perez has announced that the United States government will provide the Dominican Republic with assistance with tri-dimensional radars to detect airplanes that use Dominican airspace at low altitude for illegal activities, mainly drug trafficking. This will allow the Dominican authorities to receive early warning about airplanes violating the country's airspace as well as all vessels approaching its shores, as reported by Diario Libre. The Admiral is in Key West, Florida, where discussions about the signing of a protocol with the Anti-Narcotics Intelligence Coordination Joint Command were taking place. He said that this collaboration with the US would start next week and information will be provided by radar centers in Miami and Puerto Rico that will send the data via satellite. The authorities explained that air traffic control radars installed in Dominican airports aren't able to detect low-flying aircraft. Pared Perez said that the Armed Forces are in the process of purchasing a 3D radar for use by the Air Force.

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