View Full Version : Remand for extortionist in Azabache case

08-20-2010, 05:00 PM
Judge Luis Nobel of the Tribunal of Permanent Attention for the Court of Instruction of the Judicial District of Santiago sent Robinson Antonio Jaques Torres to preventive custody yesterday for his role in impersonating a police officer and threats against a witness in the case of the double murder of photographer Normando Garcia (Azabache) and a taxi driver, Jose Francisco Romero Duran. On 11 August prosecution witness Lisette Altagracia Sanabia received a call from Jaques Torres who identified himself as a police lieutenant. According to District Attorney Yenni Berenice Reynoso Gomez, Jaques Torres, posing as a special investigator for the Attorney General, told her to hand over all documents connected to the Azabache case, and to call him if she saw anything suspicious.
The Santiago District Attorney arrested Jaques Torres last Friday, seizing a copy of the case file, a tape recorder and other evidence. According to the investigation the individual implicated in the case was contracted by the person accused of the double murder, Jaime Flete Garcia, to intimidate one of the main witnesses for the prosecution, Ms Sanabia.
The case involves the accusation by the District Attorney that establishes that the problems between Normando Garcia (Azabache) and Jaime Flete began on 26 July 2008, when Flete shot Julio Cesar Caraballo in the head. At the time, Flete made an agreement with the watchman, his employee, so that the watchman would take the blame. However, Azabache had a videotaped interview of the watchman where he tells how his boss had done the shooting. Azabache circulated the tape, and this led to Flete's arrest and imprisonment and the subsequent dealings with the victim, Julio Cesar Caraballo. Flete agreed to pay Caraballo RD$3,000,000 to drop the case. When Flete was taken to court there was an incident and Flete said, "This won't be resolved by my children!"
The prosecutors say that from this moment Flete began to plan Azabache's murder, using Amaury Santiago Nunez, who contracted a hit man, Agustin Espinal (Liona), to commit the crime that took place on 7 August 2008.

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