View Full Version : Serious consequences of no border control

08-23-2010, 06:20 PM
Legislator Pelegrin Castillo (FNP-National District) warned President Leonel Fernandez about the "serious implications" for the national interests of his complacency with migration from Haiti. "The government of President Fernandez has decided to assume the role of pivot state for Haiti," he told Hoy.
As reported in Hoy, Castillo said that with the position taken by the Dominican government, the international community will not have a sense of urgency, nor a strong commitment to build Haiti. He said the Dominican people need to become aware of the seriousness of the situation and demand from the government and President Fernandez, and from politicians, positions that are responsible and in line with national interests before it is too late.
His brother, Vinicio Castillo has also criticized that President Fernandez, in his efforts to build a name for himself as an international mediator is being complacent with pressures from the United States. The Dominican government has yet to implement the Migration Law, approved six years ago.
As reported in Hoy, Castillo says that the excellent relations with Haiti are now maintained because the Dominican government has not implemented the Migration Law and is not controlling the border with Haiti.
Former Minister of Foreign Relations Hugo Tolentino Dipp told El Caribe that the main culprit of the situation is the Dominican government itself because it is the main employer of illegal Haitian immigrants. Mega projects such as the Santo Domingo Metro and the Duarte Corridor employ thousands of Haitians.
He said that those who oppose Haitian immigration are not anti-Haitian nor racist. "The country cannot bear the burden of this kind of migration," he told El Caribe.
http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=253518... (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=253518:alta-presencia-haitiana-crea-mas-costos-al-pais&catid=104:nacionales&Itemid=115)

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