View Full Version : Seaboard announces switch to natural gas

08-24-2010, 02:50 PM
Transcontinental Capital Corporation (Seaboard) that operates the Estrella del Mar and Estrella del Norte power generation plants on the Ozama River has announced that these units will be replaced by a single one operating on natural gas. They will source the natural gas using the same pipeline that supplies the Los Mina generators. Seaboard says that this will cut generation costs by 50%. The plant, which will cost US$135 million, will enter into operation in the third quarter of 2011, as reported in Listin Diario.
Seaboard says that it has sold both its units to Barrick Gold and that they will be transported to Pueblo Viejo, Azua.
www.listin.com.do/economia-and-negocios/2010/8/23/155923/Seaboard-cambiara-a-gas-natural (http://www.listin.com.do/economia-and-negocios/2010/8/23/155923/Seaboard-cambiara-a-gas-natural)

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