View Full Version : Fernandez re-opens Long Beach

08-07-2006, 05:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez led the ceremony marking the re-opening of Puerto Plata's beloved Long Beach, located just east of downtown Puerto Plata. The cost of the renovated beach area was said to have been US$7 million. The President also announced that several local projects would be completed, including improvements to Manolo Tavarez Justo Avenue. Tourism Minister Felix Jimenez remarked that environmental impact studies carried out by marine biologists and oceanographers from Cuba and Holland indicated that the type of sand used was correct and that the project was sustainable. According to Jimenez, the beach regeneration project is part of a nationwide effort (encompassing Boca Chica and Juan Dolio beaches in the south) calling for a US$18 million investment. Of the US$18 million, four is being provided from private sources and the rest from the US$5 airport tax. Jimenez also said that the improvements in the area would bring an additional 600 flights per year to the Puerto Plata airport.

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