View Full Version : Kofi Annan's visit

08-07-2006, 05:40 PM
United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has promised to assist the Dominican Republic in its efforts to aid neighboring Haiti. During his visit to the Dominican Republic last Friday, Annan said that the UN and the international community would help the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is affected by the practically unchecked migration of indigent Haitian laborers. As proof of the UN's good intentions, Annan told President Fernandez that he had recommended a six-month extension of the peace-keeping force currently in Haiti to the UN Security Council, as well as the assignment of 54 experts in government who will assist in rebuilding Haiti's institutions.
During a conference at Funglode, Kofi Annan said that corruption would only end when citizens, legislators and the media join efforts and when the governments feel obliged to be held accountable.
He also had words of praise for the country, calling it a source of inspiration for the international community and example for the developing world. "I am impressed by the work carried out by your country to achieve the Millenium Development Goals," he stated regarding the detailed objectives that UN member states pledged to achieve by the year 2015. Nevertheless, he advised that the millennium goals be inserted in the policies, plans and national budget. He explained that the objectives will only result in improved services and benefits for the poor if they are inserted in the municipal and provincial plans and resources are available for these.
Kofi Annan was decorated with the Order of Merit of Duarte, Sanchez and Mella y the rank of Silver Cross.

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