View Full Version : Puerto Rico + Haiti + DR manufacturing plants

08-26-2010, 04:30 PM
Apparel manufacturing plants resulting from strategic alliances between manufacturing sectors in Puerto Rico, Haiti and the DR are on the drawing board. Foreign Relations Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso said that regional business leaders are discussing this innovative system, as reported in Hoy.
He said the option would be discussed during the visit by Puerto Rican governor Luis Fortuno and Puerto Rican business leaders in October. Morales commented that the idea is to make the most of the Hope II and Hope III acts that include special trade rules that give preferential access to US imports of Haitian and Dominican apparel, and to develop a system of triple plants using the model started in the Codevi Free Zone by Grupo M on the border with Haiti. He said these US acts enable the DR to supply textiles to Haiti for manufacturing for duty free export to the US.
Morales said that the "triple plants" would optimize labor in the three companies and open doors for investment in the DR, Haiti and PR to access the competitive US market. He acknowledged there has been a decline in trade between Puerto Rico and the DR and attributed this to the international financial crisis.

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