View Full Version : Attali to advise Dominican government

08-27-2010, 05:00 PM
The Ministry of Economy and Planning has contracted the services of French economist Jacques Attali to help prepare the new governmental National Development Strategy. Attali will assist in preparing the long-term plan's external approach. The Ministry says that the idea is to incorporate the international context into the plan.
He is expected in Santo Domingo next week when he will give a talk on "World Economic Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges" at the Presidential Palace.
Attali served as an advisor to Francois Mitterand's government from 1981 to 1991. From 1991-93 he was the first president of the London-based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the organization that assisted the countries of eastern and central Europe and the former Soviet Union in their transition to democratic market economies. In 1998 he founded the French non-profit organization PlaNet Finance, which focuses on microfinance.
www.attali.com/en (http://www.attali.com/en)

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