View Full Version : Sobeida: The big guys are left out

08-27-2010, 05:00 PM
Sobeida Felix Morel said on Friday that a soap opera has been woven around her lover Jose David Figueroa Agosto to hide the big guys who have not been included in the case. Speaking to the press while awaiting the start of the prosecution hearing against her, Felix Morel denied that the Dominican authorities had learned about Figueroa Agosto's presence in Puerto Rico by planting a spy in her cell or through Mary Pelaez, also accused of money laundering, as Major General Rolando Mateo Rosado has claimed. Mateo Rosado is the former president of the National Drug Control Department (DNCD).
Felix Morel said that there had been talk of her turning herself in before Figueroa Agosto was surprised by federal agents when he was taking a sister of hers to the airport. She said that she returned to Santo Domingo under arrest so that the authorities - "of whom one can expect anything" can present the proof they have against her.
Speaking about her ties with Figueroa Agosto, she said she had a normal relationship with Cristian Almonte, the name that Figueroa Agosto used in the DR, but not with Figueroa Agosto, the man who is now accused of drug trafficking. "I want to see the proof that the prosecutor general has against me," she said, smiling to the press.
She said she lived a normal life in Puerto Rico, frequenting shopping malls. She said she felt secure because Figueroa Agosto was in constant contact with the authorities, as reported in Diario Libre.
The hearings in the Figueroa case are set for 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 17, 20 and 27 September.

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