View Full Version : Vincho drops another bomb

08-30-2010, 06:30 PM
Once again, without naming names, the President's advisor on drug trafficking affairs, Vincho Castillo has announced that many high-ranking Police and Military officers are involved in the drug trade. As reported in most of today's newspapers, Castillo said that 17 senior officials were mentioned by an intelligence analyst from the United States. He was told the list includes Dominican generals said to be involved in drug trafficking. He made it clear that the US authorities have the information, and he suggested that they share it with the Dominican Republic, given the fact that everything indicates that these officers have not been touched.
Castillo said that an intelligence analyst had disclosed the information to a person very close to him (Castillo) before leaving the country for Bolivia. He is said to have revealed that, "we have identified at least 17 important officers, including generals, who in one way or another have dealt with drugs", Castillo added during an interview with Federico Mendez on the "Esferas de Poder" program that is transmitted on Santo Domingo TV on Sundays. He stated that the senior US intelligence official had been here for about a year and a half, and left the DR for Bolivia.
Vincho asked the US to help clean up the ranks of the Police and the Military. The jurist said that it should not be difficult to sit the Dominican intelligence officials down with international officials, including the Colombians, who he defined as very good, in order to analyze the situation. He said that a criminological cleanup of the ranks of the police and military could not be carried out with the criteria of the political groups as was done some time ago. "There has to be a very close coordination with international intelligence agencies, because they have the advantage of being more neutral", he said.

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