View Full Version : The high cost of the senators

09-01-2010, 03:40 PM
From 2006 to 2010, the 32 senators of the Dominican Republic have received RD$919.6 million through what is known as the Fund for Social Assistance (Barrilito), a slush fund at their disposition. The slush fund payments range from RD$420,000 for the Pedernales senator to RD$900,000 for the National District senator.
Add to this RD$428.5 million in wages, representative expenditures, diet, wages of their employees (RD$289,000 a month in Santo Domingo and RD$142,500 provincial office), and other perks. Add to that the two unlimited motorcar tax exemptions, most of which are sold for about RD$800,000 each. Rosa Alcantara reports in Hoy that in the past four years, when perks, wages and slush fund are added up, senators have cost the government RD$1.5 billion over the past 4 years.
See http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/9/1/340158/Senadores-gastan-el-barrilito-sin-controles

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