View Full Version : Irregularities in "barrilito" funds

09-08-2010, 03:50 PM
A Senate report on the use of the Social Assistance Funds, commonly called the "barrilito" or little barrel (much like the 'pork barrel' in US politics), reveals irregularities even when politicians are allowed to spend the money as they see fit.
The report stresses the fact that the 32 senators spent a total of RD$359 million in 2009.
Irregularities include money from the slush fund being used on the upkeep of their offices, staff payments, image-creating funds, and activities in hotels and restaurants. Other irregularities involved writing checks to themselves or to close relatives or associates, such as Francisco R. Pena Pena, the former senator from Valverde, who cashed a check to himself for RD$111, 519.95.
Some of the actions are at least questionable, such as the RD$2 million in checks that former PLD senator from San Pedro de Macoris Alejandro Williams wrote for Leonardo Sanchez. He also wrote checks for RD$3 million for Rudy Peguero. Reformist senator Felix Vasquez reports fixed sums of monthly assistance to several people for as much as RD$40,000, and he issued checks to himself for RD$100,000.
Hoy newspaper obtained a copy of the report through the Freedom of Information provisos and obtained a PDF version as well as a CD with all the details.

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