View Full Version : Lack of transparency in government

09-09-2010, 04:30 PM
Only 10% of government departments fully comply with the law that requires them to issue tenders for purchasing and other transparency laws, according to civil society group Citizen Participation, reports Diario Libre. Only 40% publish any kind of tenders for procurement. PC coordinator Santiago Sosa said that the government has contracted RD$100 billion by picking the beneficiaries of the contracts.
An editorial in today's Listin Diario suggests that the Dominican government needs downsizing. "A modern state cannot be elephant-sized or dysfunctional."
"We have the impression, frequently, that the Dominican State has in its engine many parasite parts that overburden it and make it inefficient. It is what happens when some roles or tasks are disseminated under the responsibility of three, four or five institutions, when they could be concentrated in one" comments the editorial writer.
The editorial writer also suggests that the government should discontinue the practice of appointing people to government for friendship or political reasons, appointing deputy ministers and secretaries without offices or roles in government, "and perhaps without the will of doing anything for their country's progress".
Ines Aizpun writes in Diario Libre: "The aversion to transparency that political parties develop when they are not in opposition is worthy of an in-depth psychiatric study. What is the use of so many control bodies, so many commissions against corruption, so many statements, if it is simply all about complying with the law and there is not the least bit of willpower to do so?" She suggests that the DGII should seriously consider changing objectives. "Stop snooping in our tired pockets and start asking for public tenders, audited quotes, honest public business deals so that tax collections can be fairer," she writes. She complains about the way that in order to start a business here one has to compete against a friend of someone in government who is most likely to get the business.

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