View Full Version : Trujillo Museum?

09-09-2010, 04:30 PM
A bill by deputy Leivin Guerrero (PRD-San Cristobal) is generating fresh controversy. Guerrero proposes to create a museum in San Cristobal dedicated to Rafael Leonidas Trujillo and to bring back the dictator's remains from Spain. The objective of the museum proposed by Guerrero would be to compile, organize, investigate and communicate the material and intangible goods of the nation related to the 31 years of the dictatorship. The museum would operate at the Casa de Caoba, in San Cristobal, an elaborate vacation home built for the dictator. Guerrero is an advocate for San Cristobal capitalizing on its heritage as Trujillo's birthplace.
With the end of the Trujillo family dictatorship, a law was passed that banned the cult of personality that Trujillo cultivated for the 31 years of the regime. Family members were banned from living in the DR.
Rafael Perez Modesto, in charge of national patriotic holidays for the government, expressed concern that the museum could be used to exalt the figure of Trujillo. He says that all efforts for gathering material on the Trujillo Dictatorship are going into the new Historical Memorial Museum of the Resistance under construction in the Colonial City, and that a museum to Trujillo would duplicate these efforts.
An editorial in El Dia says the museum could be a good idea. The writer makes the point that it could provide a space for educating people about this historical period and could become a tourism attraction for the southwestern city of San Cristobal. It makes the point that people who visit the Holocaust Museum in Berlin usually come away even more disgusted by Nazism. "A Museum of the Dictatorship could have a similar effect if it is developed in that direction," comments the newspaper.

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