View Full Version : Eduardo Estrella calls for revisions

09-13-2010, 02:20 PM
Eduardo Estrella, the head of the Dominicans for Change Party (DxC), has called on the Department for the Persecution of Administrative Corruption (formerly Depreco, and now called DPCA) to take a close look at the sworn statements of assets by officials and legislators to see if they are really telling the truth.
He said that the Department of Taxes (DGII) has the opportunity to ensure that the officials and legislators who have declared such huge fortunes pay the proper taxes on everything they have. "I would like to recommend, given that lately there has been a lot of talk about the sworn declarations of assets of the officials and legislators, in which they have stated that they have properties of RD$15 million or have apartments of RD$20 million, that the tax department should send for these sworn statements and compare them with what (these individuals) say in their annual statements to the DGII, and find out if they are paying taxes on their luxury dwellings", said Estrella in an interview with El Nuevo Diario.
Estrella said that this was an easy thing to do, and the government would collect a lot of money to ease the deficit without having to raise taxes for the people. He said all the DGII people had to do was crosscheck the information.

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