View Full Version : Government corruption holds DR back

09-13-2010, 02:20 PM
Writing in today's Diario Libre, economist Gustavo Volmar comments on the differences in ranking between the DR and Central American countries in the World Economic Forum Competitiveness Rank. He makes the point that the differences in rank show clearly why the DR is failing to make the most of the free trade agreements with Central America (DR-CAFTA).
The DR, for instance, is ranked 101st compared to Costa Rica's 56th ranking on a list of 139 countries. He makes the point that Costa Rica leads the DR in 10 of 12 evaluation criteria. He points out that the DR only does better only in the size of market and macroeconomic environment categories. He stresses what he describes as the abysmal difference in health and grade school (22 them, 107 us), innovation (35 and 118), higher education (43 and 99), product market efficiency (48 and 109), institutions (51 and 117).
Compared to Guatemala, in 78th position, we are near them in five criteria, but they surpass us in another six, namely infrastructure (66 and 107), financial market development (44 and 99). We are closer when it comes to labor market efficiency (101 and 89).
But the most shameful is having received the lowest ranking (139th) in regards to favoritism in decisions by government officials, the second worst (138th) in regards to wasteful government spending, and the third worst (137th) in quality of primary education.
The study indicates that two of our strengths are inflation (44th) and cooperation between employers and workers (41st).

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