View Full Version : Three PN ambushed and killed

09-13-2010, 02:20 PM
In the early dawn hours of Sunday, five criminals murdered a Police officer and two police agents at point-blank range and wounded a sergeant major outside the Fire Station at Los Girasoles and just 20 meters from the police station near the Cristo Redentor Cemetery in Santo Domingo.
The Chief of the National Police, Major General Jose Armando Polanco Gomez, identified the victims as First Lieutenant Martires Perez Diaz and Corporals Roberto Otano Medina and Jose Arturo Ogando Ramirez, who were killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Meanwhile, Sergeant Major Alejandro Alcantara Mateo is being treated for his injuries at the Police General Hospital. In connection with the incident, Janiero Luis Moncion Nunez was found inside a crypt at the Cristo Redentor Cemetery and arrested after fleeing the scene. The Police have identified the other members of the gang as Franklin de la Cruz Martinez (Momolo) and three men known as Chepe, Alexis and Manauris. According to reports, a member of the Dominican navy is a member of the group. Moments before the murders, the group had tried to raid a propane gas station in the Pantoja sector and stole a revolver from the watchman.

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