View Full Version : Fraud in propane gas sales

09-14-2010, 03:10 PM
The former president of the National Gasoline Retailers Association, Anadegas, Juan Ignacio Espaillat is complaining that consumers are being billed for propane gas but being sold something very different. He said the mix of residuals of natural gas plus hydrogen that is being sold as propane gas is a "brutal scam of the population," as reported in 7dias.com.do
Espaillat says that LPG should be a mixture of 30% butane and 70% propane, but this is not what consumers here are getting. He said the alternative product has very low gas pressure. Espaillat made the statements when visiting Altagracia Paulino, the director of the Institute of Consumer Rights (Proconsumidor). Proconsumidor has been leading a campaign to force distributors to weigh customers' gas tanks before and after filling them. He says in addition, Proconsumidor needs to spearhead a campaign to review the quality of the product being sold.
Espaillat says that a 2008 report from the Dominican Petroleum Refinery indicates that the most the product has had is 17% butane.
During the meeting, the president of Anadegas, Rafael Polanco rejected the rule proposed by the Department of Standards and Quality Systems (Digenor) that would allow distributors an error margin of 4 pounds to 1,000 lbs. He said the international standard is 3.5 lbs to 1,000. He said if the Digenor rule is enforced, consumers would lose 4 pounds in every 100 lb tank, or about RD$72.

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