View Full Version : Marcos Diaz completes his UN swim

09-16-2010, 04:10 PM
Marcos Diaz completed the last leg of his Swim Across the Continents program yesterday, a record-breaking swim sponsored by the United Nations. His symbolic last swim was from the Statue of Liberty to Gantry Plaza State Park, in front of the UN headquarters. On arrival, he delivered a document to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with signatures and wishes of hundreds of thousands of people who joined his project to raise awareness of the achievement of the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.
In his official statement, Ban Ki-moon said: "It's a great pleasure for me to congratulate Marcos Diaz, the Dominican Dolphin, on his amazing feat: swimming between five continents for the Millennium Development Goals.
"What an achievement. It is a testimony to Marcos' remarkable bravery, courage and commitment. It is a wonderful symbol of global solidarity. Marcos has brought home to us in a new way how small our world is and how closely linked we all are".
Ban also thanked the Dominican government for "providing Marcos with such strong support."
www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2010/sgsm13100.doc.htm (http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2010/sgsm13100.doc.htm)

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