View Full Version : Meet the UK

09-17-2010, 12:40 PM
Direct British investment in the DR is around US$1 billion, UK ambassador Steven Fisher told Hoy. He said the UK is the fifth largest foreign investor in the DR and mentioned that an announcement was imminent about a major investment by a British company and the Grupo Vicini to build a state-of-the-art film studio in the DR that promises to be the most important film studio in the region. Fisher said that the UK exported US$150 million to the DR last year. "It's not a lot but we are recovering the market space we had lost in the Dominican market," he said. He said that UK exports to the DR were up 30% last year, increasing by 78% this year.
He announced the Meet the UK: Commercial Encounter with the United Kingdom, a trade event at the El Embajador Hotel on 21 September. The event is an exhibition of British good and services in the DR. A round table discussion will be held to discuss social corporate responsibility programs, and a cocktail reception at the ambassador's residence with the participation of all the companies taking part in the Meet the UK event and their guests.

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