View Full Version : Workshop for stress-free living

09-17-2010, 12:40 PM
The Art of Living Foundation in Santo Domingo announces the visit of Swami Sukhchaitanya, the representative of Sri Ravi Shankar in North America. He will lead a workshop on Wednesday, 22 September at the Colegio Calasanz from 6 to 9:30pm to teach stress management techniques, including awareness of mind and emotions, yoga and meditation. The cost of the course is RD$500. Funds collected will be used for the Art of Living programs that take yoga, breathing and meditation skills to prisoners in DR jails. The foundation reaches out to young people and seeks to contribute to building a stress and violence-free society.
For more information see www.elartedevivirdominicana.org (http://www.elartedevivirdominicana.org)

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