View Full Version : Corruption is behind fiscal deficit

09-21-2010, 02:50 PM
The president of the Organization of Malls (ONEC), Pedro Perez says that it will be difficult to find a solution to the fiscal deficit, as reported in Hoy. He said the deficit has been created by the misuse of tax revenues. "We are adding our voice to the position of the former presidents of the Association of Industrialists of Herrera because if there is something we have repeated time after time it is the fact that the government is spending on matters that are not a priority". He finds hard to justify the government spending 85% of the revenues on current spending. Perez criticized the lack of transparency and corruption in government. He said that one has only to read the statement of the director of the Department for the Prosecution of Administrative Corruption, Hotoniel Bonilla who estimates that in the past 10 years some RD$104 billion have been lost to corruption.
"If we do not impose controls there will be no way we can get along without fiscal deficits," he said when interviewed on Telematutino 11.
He said that official records indicated that as of June the fiscal deficit was at RD$30 billion, by the end of August at RD$37 billion and by the end of the year it could reach RD$60 billion. He called for limiting the loans that the government can take on because for every RD$100 pesos the government collects, 43 now have to go towards paying for debt.

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