View Full Version : Leonel takes 14 trips in 12 months

09-22-2010, 03:20 PM
President Leonel Fernandez traveled to New York on a private plane yesterday. He was accompanied by First Lady Margarita Cedeno, the director of the Presidential Commission on the Millennium Goals and Sustainable Development (COPDES), John Gagain and Presidential legal advisor Abel Rodriguez del Orbe. The chief of military assistants, Major General Hector Belisario Medina Medina, Daysi Ventura and presidential assistant Danilo Perez also formed part of the delegation, along with administrative secretary of the Presidency Luis Manuel Bonetti and press director Rafael Nunez.
President Leonel Fernandez has taken 14 trips abroad in the last year. He has been absent from the country for about 60 days, Hoy observes.
According to Hoy, Fernandez has traveled to the United States, South and Central America and Europe. He has met with heads of state, the Pope and the Secretary General of the United Nations.
He has travelled extensively to request aid for Haiti following January's devastating earthquake.
Fernandez has also met with foreign statesmen at the request of some of his Latin American counterparts in the conflict between the government in Honduras and former President Zelaya as well as in the conflict between Venezuela and Colombia.
During his current trip to the United States he will visit the United Nations twice and he will meet with several heads of state as well as business leaders and bankers.
Hoy reports that there is no way that journalists can calculate the cost of the travels of the President and his entourage at the government's expense. It mentions that there is no Free Access to Government Information Office in the Presidency, so the Presidency sends journalists to the Ministry of Foreign Relations for the information, and the Ministry sends them back to the Presidency for the information.
www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/9/22/342936/Leonel-14-viajes-en-12-meses (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/9/22/342936/Leonel-14-viajes-en-12-meses)

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