View Full Version : Radio hitmen

09-22-2010, 03:20 PM
In today's Hoy, Rafael Acevedo writes about the boomerang effect on Dominican society of the strong breed of what he describes as radio hit men who are "out of control". He says that after years of good relations with the Presidency and more than 1,000 "communicators" who, it is ensured receive wages and favors from the government worth dozens of billions of pesos a year, almost the same amount required to finance the national budget deficit. Acevedo observes that to cut the propaganda and public relations allocations that these people receive could affect the government when they unleash their wrath on the government.
"It will not be easy to control these hit men and radio businessmen who sponsor this dirty game of power and influence, because, as in the case of money laundering and drug trafficking and police violence they have become key pieces in the economic stability. They are probably part of the model of social stabilization and this model of propaganda and political self-sustentation needs the machinery of radio hit men.
He concludes that an association between superheroes and President Fernandez may be needed.
Acevedo, a sociologist and marketing expert, is president of Gallup Dominican Republic. hoy.com.do/opiniones/2010/9/21/342879/Leonel-Fantomas-y-Batman-contra-los-sicarios-radiofonicos (http://hoy.com.do/opiniones/2010/9/21/342879/Leonel-Fantomas-y-Batman-contra-los-sicarios-radiofonicos)

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