View Full Version : 09/2010 - Sosua Clean-Up, Politur not Taking Money

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09-25-2010, 07:05 PM
There was a lot of outrage how Politur makes 20,000 pesos every night in arresting chicas as the Great Sosua Clean-Up continues.

Guess what? Politur is not accepting any monies from chicas! Chicas that are arrested are being held until the morning of the next day and then released into the wild. My contact was actually arrested inside Bar Centro, just as she was entering. They were being held at the station. That night it was 20 chicas, in a small urine-infested room. My contact pretended to be sick, was taken to the hospital for examination, and, ultimately delivered to her quarters in PP by Politur. Quite a service....

09-25-2010, 07:06 PM
So again, who thinks the hookers run Sosua?

09-25-2010, 07:17 PM
And who thinks that the mongers run Sosua...?

So again, who thinks the hookers run Sosua?

09-25-2010, 07:21 PM
And who thinks that the mongers run Sosua...?

Well mongers are tourists and they have a big impact on Sosua. All those Ex Pats that live there with chicas, well what do you think their deals are?

09-25-2010, 07:30 PM
That's a Norteamericano speaking who thinks money rules everything.

Guess what, Sosua is an eyesore to many Dominicans. Money ain't everything in most parts of the world.

Well mongers are tourists and they have a big impact on Sosua. All those Ex Pats that live there with chicas, well what do you think their deals are?

09-25-2010, 07:34 PM
That's a Norteamericano speaking who thinks money rules everything.

Guess what, Sosua is an eyesore to many Dominicans. Money ain't everything in most parts of the world.

Take away dollars from DR and you will have the poorest country in the world.

09-25-2010, 07:40 PM
I think you are overestimating the importance of dollars. After all euros and rubels, and other currencies also contribute a lot. Look at Cuba, no dollars, but probably better off than the DR.

Now if you were to take away dollars from the US, I'd subscribe to your statement. Ooooopppps, it's already happening....

Take away dollars from DR and you will have the poorest country in the world.

09-25-2010, 07:50 PM
OK then....Take away Dollars, Euro's and Rubels.....

I think you are overestimating the importance of dollars. After all euros and rubels, and other currencies also contribute a lot. Look at Cuba, no dollars, but probably better off than the DR.

Now if you were to take away dollars from the US, I'd subscribe to your statement. Ooooopppps, it's already happening....

09-25-2010, 07:51 PM
That's a Norteamericano speaking who thinks money rules everything.

Guess what, Sosua is an eyesore to many Dominicans. Money ain't everything in most parts of the world.

It is when you are hungry.

09-25-2010, 07:52 PM
I think you are overestimating the importance of dollars. After all euros and rubels, and other currencies also contribute a lot. Look at Cuba, no dollars, but probably better off than the DR.

Now if you were to take away dollars from the US, I'd subscribe to your statement. Ooooopppps, it's already happening....

Yeah I guess if you like living in the 1950's Cuba ain't all that bad. If the dollar was able to go to Cuba...you would see a quick increase in lifestyle. Whether you like it or not the dollar still rules. Maybe not like it once did, but as America goes, so does the rest of the world.

09-25-2010, 08:03 PM
So how much of the rest of the world have you actually lived (not visited!) to support your profound statement? Enough of that!!

I started the thread to provide very current info on Politur policies regarding chicas. That's all, folks.

Yeah I guess if you like living in the 1950's Cuba ain't all that bad. If the dollar was able to go to Cuba...you would see a quick increase in lifestyle. Whether you like it or not the dollar still rules. Maybe not like it once did, but as America goes, so does the rest of the world.

09-25-2010, 09:05 PM
So just so I understand, chica's can't go to the bar and drink. Are they arresting chicas that dress like hookers. If they get rid of the girls, do they just want couples to frequent the bars.

09-25-2010, 09:06 PM
So just so I understand, chica's can't go to the bar and drink. Are they arresting chicas that dress like hookers. If they get rid of the girls, do they just want couples to frequent the bars.

Nope....men only.

09-25-2010, 09:45 PM
My understanding is that it is indiscriminate: Dominicanas, Haitianas; any girl that moves unaccompanied on the strip is considered a hooker. And that even includes some restaurant workers. Same goes for the beach.

Seems the Dominicans have the audacity to take back their town. Seems they don't yet fully understand how dependent they are on the mongers.

So just so I understand, chica's can't go to the bar and drink. Are they arresting chicas that dress like hookers. If they get rid of the girls, do they just want couples to frequent the bars.

09-25-2010, 09:59 PM
My understanding is that it is indiscriminate: Dominicanas, Haitianas; any girl that moves unaccompanied on the strip is considered a hooker. And that even includes some restaurant workers. Same goes for the beach.

Seems the Dominicans have the audacity to take back their town. Seems they don't yet fully understand how dependent they are on the mongers.

Yeah, it seems there are these 10's of thousands of "good" tourists lined up, just waiting for mongers to move out so they can go to Classico's and jiggle their butts.

09-25-2010, 10:16 PM
So you close down/diminish Classicos, Bar Centro, Latinos, and Fat Hermann. So what?! You think the world is coming to an end? Your world maybe.

Yeah, it seems there are these 10's of thousands of "good" tourists lined up, just waiting for mongers to move out so they can go to Classico's and jiggle their butts.

09-25-2010, 10:27 PM
So you close down/diminish Classicos, Bar Centro, Latinos, and Fat Hermann. So what?! You think the world is coming to an end? Your world maybe.

Why are you sounding so "anti-monger"... No one is saying that they depend on us or die.... Some are just saying that we take care alot of folks with our dollars... Thats fact... If we didnt.. they wouldn't cater to us... Chill bruh.. its ok... Let them clean the streets... Pussy will still be sold... The style of play changes but the game remains...

09-25-2010, 10:31 PM
So you close down/diminish Classicos, Bar Centro, Latinos, and Fat Hermann. So what?! You think the world is coming to an end? Your world maybe.

Not my world but a place I enjoy. I am not a guy who hangs out on the strip when in Sosua....I may be spotted at Fat Hermans, that said....

Seriously, with the state of tourism these days and the way AI's suck money out of their host countries and pay off the government....what will happen to Sosua if tourism moves out. Like I said in another post, what does Sosua really have? A middle of the road beach and a nothing town....walk around town and take a good look at it. The "real" tourism is not centered around Sosua.....

09-25-2010, 10:32 PM
my only response is.......


09-25-2010, 10:33 PM
I actually didn't like the sleazy feeling of sosua and would like to see it cleaned up. I would still make it my home base and venture out like i did my one trip i did. I only took that one trip and because of this board i had the balls to hit up puerto plata, cabarete and santo domingo. People need to take advantage of the info on this board and venture out a little. Maybe everyone likes the sleaze and to each his own. Shit i wish my local gov't back home would clean up my ghetto's.

09-25-2010, 10:38 PM
My understanding is that it is indiscriminate: Dominicanas, Haitianas; any girl that moves unaccompanied on the strip is considered a hooker. And that even includes some restaurant workers. Same goes for the beach.

Seems the Dominicans have the audacity to take back their town. Seems they don't yet fully understand how dependent they are on the mongers.

Maybe you should understand my question before you give a sarcastic response. My question was an honest question of how they decide who gets locked up. By your logic every girl that is in Sousa is a hoe, when there are regular chicks who work in the bank during the day and at the restaurants and bars. My question was asking how they decide who gets locked up rather than the Dominicans wanting their town back as you say.

Do the regular "Dominicans feel that they can not go out without being harassed by Americans if they wanted to really stop the flow they would start locking up Americans who come down spend money on sex.

09-25-2010, 10:39 PM
And your point is?
Other than your sexual preference for Pixar characters...

my only response is.......

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/106324c9eb099bb0a1.jpg)

The Sage
09-25-2010, 10:42 PM
Pi3141516, in your view what exactly is going on in Sosua? I keep getting conflicting reports. Busy as usual, cops picking up girls, or "the same, but slower". I'm assuming you're living there so I would appreciate your thoughts. Where do you see this going? After all this is the DR and dominicana's are going to sell pussy be it the transient hoes or semis and opportunist coming from the surrounding towns to find money to pay for the essentials in their lives.

09-25-2010, 10:43 PM
That's not my logic, but appears to be the reality right now.

C'mon, man. In the US who decides as to who gets stopped for a speeding ticket? Same thing here. Random, at will, call it what you want...but it creates uncertainty and some chicas are deciding to stay home.

Maybe you should understand my question before you give a sarcastic response. My question was an honest question of how they decide who gets locked up. By your logic every girl that is in Sousa is a hoe, when there are regular chicks who work in the bank during the day and at the restaurants and bars. My question was asking how they decide who gets locked up rather than the Dominicans wanting their town back as you say.

Do the regular "Dominicans feel that they can not go out without being harassed by Americans if they wanted to really stop the flow they would start locking up Americans who come down spend money on sex.

The Sage
09-25-2010, 10:49 PM
My understanding is that it is indiscriminate: Dominicanas, Haitianas; any girl that moves unaccompanied on the strip is considered a hooker. And that even includes some restaurant workers. Same goes for the beach.

Seems the Dominicans have the audacity to take back their town. Seems they don't yet fully understand how dependent they are on the mongers.

This is how it has gone down in the past. Being out after dark marks you as a potential sex worker and subjects you to arrest. Guys have had their novias arrested for nothing more than coming home at night from a job at a local establishment. If the cops don't recognize you as a local non-worker you may have issues. Typically they will not molest a woman who is accompanied by a tourist though I have had them inquire about my relationship when in the company of more than one woman where I was the only male.

09-25-2010, 10:57 PM
Thanks for the flowers but I am actually living state-side. In 2010, I will have spent about 2 mo. in Sosua, but I am pretty well connected among the European expats and some select female friends.

Where do I see this going? Dunno. But that the efforts by law enforcement have thus far been very sustained, does not bode well. Sosua is undergoing a profound change. Of course there will always be "toto" available, because they all need to eat. But it will probably be less point-and-click and less in your face.

As I have said before, I think we will be loosing a major monger training ground in Latin America for those with no or very little Spanish skills.

Pi3141516, in your view what exactly is going on in Sosua? I keep getting conflicting reports. Busy as usual, cops picking up girls, or "the same, but slower". I'm assuming you're living there so I would appreciate your thoughts. Where do you see this going? After all this is the DR and dominicana's are going to sell pussy be it the transient hoes or semis and opportunist coming from the surrounding towns to find money to pay for the essentials in their lives.

09-25-2010, 10:59 PM
That's not my logic, but appears to be the reality right now.

C'mon, man. In the US who decides as to who gets stopped for a speeding ticket? Same thing here. Random, at will, call it what you want...but it creates uncertainty and some chicas are deciding to stay home.

A speeding ticket is not what you described. What they are doing is stopping the flow of hookers on the main strip. If this was 42nd street or Hunt's Point then they would just police the strip and arrest the chicks for loitering but with bars on the strip,how do they know if they are arresting a girl just hanging out with her girlfriends for drinks. Are they arresting the regulars girls chilling at the bars or the girls walking up and down the strip with no set location.

If they didnt want people hanging out. They would just start arresting everyone including Americans.

The Sage
09-25-2010, 11:00 PM
In some ways the girls have brought this on themselves. In the past they'd come up from Friday and leave on Sunday leaving the week day's to locals from the surrounding area. From Sunday to Friday things in the town were pretty calm. Daytime action was available, but it was restricted to a few girls hanging out at the small bars around town. Now many of the girls who used to only stay the weekend practically live there and are crowding the streets every day of the week looking for customers. It's understandable why the locals aren't happy with this. One issue I see is it crowds out the local girls. Am I the only one who's noticed the drop off in local chicas at El Flow? There was a time the place was filled with them. For the most part all you have now are the out of town hoes there.

09-25-2010, 11:06 PM
Did you ever think that maybe they don't want us Americans running arround in cargo shorts propositioning every chica in town including the "good girls" lol.

09-25-2010, 11:12 PM
To the best of my knowledge and as relayed to me by a chica today: any unaccompanied girl on PC is considered a hooker, and subject to possible arrest. Simple as that! Once they are inside a bar on private property, it is safe.

But apparently this didn't work for another girl I know and who was arrested inside Bar Centro. I truely believe it is random, as it should be; from an LE perspective. Creates the most uncertainty and the most fear...

A speeding ticket is not what you described. What they are doing is stopping the flow of hookers on the main strip. If this was 42nd street or Hunt's Point then they would just police the strip and arrest the chicks for loitering but with bars on the strip,how do they know if they are arresting a girl just hanging out with her girlfriends for drinks. Are they arresting the regulars girls chilling at the bars or the girls walking up and down the strip with no set location.

If they didnt want people hanging out. They would just start arresting everyone including Americans.

The Sage
09-25-2010, 11:17 PM
Probably that too. One of my ex's had a 12 year old daughter who was admittedly a bit physically mature for her age. She was across the street from Rocky's. Two brothers from ATL were practically cat calling her in an attempt to solicit her services. i had to tell them something they obviously didn't know or expect. "Back off guys she's only 12 years old". To their credit they did look embarrassed, but how was her mother supposed to get that simple fact across to them. Neither one of these guys spoke more than two words of Spanish.

09-25-2010, 11:52 PM
To the best of my knowledge and as relayed to me by a chica today: any unaccompanied girl on PC is considered a hooker, and subject to possible arrest. Simple as that! Once they are inside a bar on private property, it is safe.

But apparently this didn't work for another girl I know and who was arrested inside Bar Centro. I truely believe it is random, as it should be; from an LE perspective. Creates the most uncertainty and the most fear...

Umm, NO... From a LE perspective thats the wrong thing to do.. That is randomly harass girls for being alone thus assuming their whores... Obviously, we are talking about Dominicans so I assume they dont give a shit about building a good relationship with their citizens.... U are right, it does create a fear but a resentment as well... just wanted to point that out...

09-25-2010, 11:58 PM
This sounds similar to the colonel's earlier operations in 2006... at some point things will settle down again

09-26-2010, 12:09 AM
If you could get Dominicans to honestly answer this, which would be next to impossible, they would totally agree! They want our money, sure, but they do not really want us embarrassing them and hassling their women. Would you?
Did you ever think that maybe they don't want us Americans running arround in cargo shorts propositioning every chica in town including the "good girls" lol.

09-26-2010, 01:35 AM
This sounds similar to the colonel's earlier operations in 2006... at some point things will settle down again

I remember that and chicas asking us to walk them between bars so they wouldn't be arrested. Eventually it did stop.

09-26-2010, 01:51 AM
When all is said and done DR would fall into the fucking Ocean without US and Euro tourist. Simple as that. They know it and we SHOULD. I love how the "well-connected" OP, has this anti-monger tone. Dude, your a fucking monger. If your not then go and troll on DR1. Sosua is our playground and we like it. I could atleast understand if you were Weyland, WickedWillie, Robert1** or some other guys living there but your basically advocating the fucking up of a vacation destination for us. That's like taking out the happy endings in Asia. lol. What do you want? Fucking Amsterdam? This is Sosua. It's about mongering and should be that way.

09-26-2010, 01:54 AM
If you could get Dominicans to honestly answer this, which would be next to impossible, they would totally agree! They want our money, sure, but they do not really want us embarrassing them and hassling their women. Would you?

They can be mad all they want but really what can they do. If they take away the incentive for us to come then there screwed. If they start fucking with us they know that foreign relations will slow which will screw them even more. They don't want the Mexico treatment. lol. I don't get this "embarrassing them" mentality. Embarrassing them how?

09-26-2010, 01:59 AM
It's not what I think but what they think. Even if no one else gets it does not change the fundamental truth of it.
They can be mad all they want but really what can they do. If they take away the incentive for us to come then there screwed. If they start fucking with us they know that foreign relations will slow which will screw them even more. They don't want the Mexico treatment. lol. I don't get this "embarrassing them" mentality. Embarrassing them how?
Give Mexico your nukes and see who's getting "the treatment" :rolleyes:

09-26-2010, 02:01 AM
Sosua and Punta Cana would feel it, but not forever,...but Santo Domingo and Santiago would not even notice we were gone.
When all is said and done DR would fall into the fucking Ocean without US and Euro tourist. Simple as that. They know it and we SHOULD. I love how the "well-connected" OP, has this anti-monger tone. Dude, your a fucking monger. If your not then go and troll on DR1. Sosua is our playground and we like it. I could atleast understand if you were Weyland, WickedWillie, Robert1** or some other guys living there but your basically advocating the fucking up of a vacation destination for us. That's like taking out the happy endings in Asia. lol. What do you want? Fucking Amsterdam? This is Sosua. It's about mongering and should be that way.

09-26-2010, 08:37 AM
Why are you sounding so "anti-monger"... No one is saying that they depend on us or die.... Some are just saying that we take care alot of folks with our dollars... Thats fact... If we didnt.. they wouldn't cater to us... Chill bruh.. its ok... Let them clean the streets... Pussy will still be sold... The style of play changes but the game remains...

Jimmy - Is this not a fascinating little subject. It's almost like a political discussion. Only difference being is none of us have a real horse in the race - other then our own dirty little slice of sosua (wow, was that poetic or what?)

Dirk - I think you misread pi, I don't think he was being antimonger, just stating the facts as he sees them. Sitting on PC a week ago it did seem that this latest chica roundup had a different feel to it. And if they're not taking bribes my guess is that would be coming from the mayor/chief...as in "this ones different boys, no shenanigins, keep up the pressure, slow, steady and consistent, the hookers gotta go" Just conjecture on my part, but it does seem to make sense.

09-26-2010, 08:54 AM
I was just in Sosua and I think these threads are overstated.

Yes there are not as many girls on the strip as say 2 months ago...however there are still an overabundance of hoes plying their wares.

I think everyone needs to relax with the "sky is falling" threads. This is not the only location in this country where you can get some toto.

I think everyone that creates these threads are doing a disservice to the newbies on the board.

OK there aren't 1,000 hookers on Pedro Clisante there are only 500.

Learn to live with the numbers.

Honestly its just the ones without their ID's that are affected by this transition. Its not the first time this has happened.

I think the thread is too political and for the most part has run its course.

I respectfully disagree there is a problem in Sosua. Hell last Saturday the wife beater crew had a stripper contest at the New Garden that spilled out into the street with hoes.

I think we should stop focusing on the quantity and look at the quality. If anyone feels that Sousa isn't their cup of tea...try Santiago or Santo Domingo.

Its not like the women there aren't selling pussy.

Relax gentlemen.


09-26-2010, 10:42 AM
Jimmy - Is this not a fascinating little subject. It's almost like a political discussion. Only difference being is none of us have a real horse in the race - other then our own dirty little slice of sosua (wow, was that poetic or what?)

I always enjoy these topics.

09-26-2010, 10:43 AM
I was just in Sosua and I think these threads are overstated.

Yes there are not as many girls on the strip as say 2 months ago...however there are still an overabundance of hoes plying their wares.

I think everyone needs to relax with the "sky is falling" threads. This is not the only location in this country where you can get some toto.

I think everyone that creates these threads are doing a disservice to the newbies on the board.

OK there aren't 1,000 hookers on Pedro Clisante there are only 500.

Learn to live with the numbers.

Honestly its just the ones without their ID's that are affected by this transition. Its not the first time this has happened.

I think the thread is too political and for the most part has run its course.

I respectfully disagree there is a problem in Sosua. Hell last Saturday the wife beater crew had a stripper contest at the New Garden that spilled out into the street with hoes.

I think we should stop focusing on the quantity and look at the quality. If anyone feels that Sousa isn't their cup of tea...try Santiago or Santo Domingo.

Its not like the women there aren't selling pussy.

Relax gentlemen.

Click to see pic (http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy111/spartacuswsj3/battlestar_galactica_last_supper2.jpg)

Your Sosua is different than their Sosua. By yours, I mean the Vets Sosua, which includes The Sage, C Mike and everyone else like them.

09-26-2010, 10:45 AM
If you could get Dominicans to honestly answer this, which would be next to impossible, they would totally agree! They want our money, sure, but they do not really want us embarrassing them and hassling their women. Would you?

Its not only Dominicans in DR, Its Americans in the US. We need it cause it puts millions to work here, yes millions.

09-26-2010, 10:56 AM
Your Sosua is different than their Sosua. By yours, I mean the Vets Sosua, which includes The Sage, C Mike and everyone else like them.

True but at least he brings some balance to the doom and gloom talk

09-26-2010, 10:57 AM
True but at least he brings some balance to the doom and gloom talk

If you read what people are writing about Medellin, that place seems doomed as well.

Buying a plane ticket and getting there is the easy part.:eek:

09-26-2010, 12:35 PM
I think you are overestimating the importance of dollars. After all euros and rubels, and other currencies also contribute a lot. Look at Cuba, no dollars, but probably better off than the DR.

Now if you were to take away dollars from the US, I'd subscribe to your statement. Ooooopppps, it's already happening....
Who said that there's no dollars going to Cuba? I send $100 every month to my daughter and most Cubans outside the island do the same. There's plenty of dollars going there, and dollars are the best for them because instead of the 10% they charge to convert other currencies to CUC, they charge 18% to the dollar.

As for Cuba being better off than DR, well, people tend to drift to where there's a better life. Cubans need a visa to go to DR, Dominicans don't need one to go to Cuba. I bet that you'll find plenty of Cubans in DR but not a single Dominican living in Cuba.

09-26-2010, 03:32 PM
Your Sosua is different than their Sosua. By yours, I mean the Vets Sosua, which includes The Sage, C Mike and everyone else like them.

Not a problem JDR.

Open the thread and let the masses speak their minds about how good or bad Sosua is.

It doesn't affect my travel plans in the least.

09-26-2010, 03:33 PM
I always enjoy these topics.

Its a well documented fact that you just like the drama.

The topic is irrelevant.


09-26-2010, 04:59 PM
Bought my ticket a few weeks ago and will be there in December. This is my first trip to Sosua.

Should I be worried?

09-26-2010, 05:01 PM
Probably not, you won't know the difference. It's all relative and you have no previous Sosua experience to gauge it by. :corky:

You'll have an awesome trip, just hookup with some other members for guidance. :D

Bought my ticket a few weeks ago and will be there in December. This is my first trip to Sosua.

Should I be worried?

09-26-2010, 05:06 PM
Bought my ticket a few weeks ago and will be there in December. This is my first trip to Sosua.

Should I be worried?

No! :) Just make sure you pack enough condoms, that's all I'd be worried about:rofl:

09-26-2010, 06:20 PM
From what I have heard it is not the Mayor. The mayor does not control the Politur. It is a woman that is in charge of the Politur in the area. They are also rounding up the street kids. I have seen them being chased and shit. I have not lived here long at all, but I know that without the "trade" there is little or no reason for tourists to come to Sosua. The beaches are just as good or better in other parts of the country and there are already more resorts than they can fill in those places. Clean up Sosua for good and you will also destroy all the business here and the jobs for Dominicans that go with them. I highly doubt there is some long term plan for any kind of alternative to the "trade" that will save the businesses and jobs.

09-26-2010, 06:39 PM
So tell me again Robert923u32u4, I have my plane tix bought and my room reserved. Should I wait until another time, or ist he heat coming down again? I am getting the feeling that this next trip will be my last for awhile down there anyway, so just wanted to make it a good one. I dont care about the xtra charge for changing my tix by jet Blue either....

09-26-2010, 06:50 PM
Come on down. They had a big "White" party in Classico's last nite with all the chicas wearing white and prize money. It is certainly slower during the week but the weekends seem fine. As always if you can't find toto here then you can't find your own ass with two hands and a flashlight. The chicas still outnumber the mongers by a good margin. And as with everything else you know this "effort" will never be sustained. It has had the added effect of some chicas taking less money just to be with a gringo all night.

09-26-2010, 07:08 PM
OK, Im sold, I am going, see how easy I am!! Anyway, even if the whole strip is shut down, i know your fine new chica GF has some hotties that will entertain me!!!

09-26-2010, 07:15 PM
Robert and WetWillie are great resources to the board.

09-26-2010, 07:21 PM
OK, Im sold, I am going, see how easy I am!! Anyway, even if the whole strip is shut down, i know your fine new chica GF has some hotties that will entertain me!!!

I will keep that in mind. Always good to have a Plan B.

09-26-2010, 07:25 PM
I dont' think it is as bad as some of these threads make it sound. Compare the negative in the thread Vs. some of the trip reports in the same period. you won't see people mentioning that it is difficult. People are still having a great time. I also gather that this is considered the slow season as well.

09-26-2010, 07:29 PM
Robert and WetWillie are great resources to the board.

You mean Wickedwillie, wetwillie is another story:)

09-26-2010, 07:31 PM
Are there chicas still hanging around the New Garden all day and Night?

09-26-2010, 07:31 PM
Lots of guys are saying this but certain clarifications need to be made and understood.

1. Newbies will not know the difference since they have no frame of reference for Sosua.

2. Experienced guys with previous contacts and phone numbers will not really be bothered either.

3. Guys that thrive "on the street" and the open bars, people watching and "hunting" are reporting that there is a noticeable difference. Much fewer and less attractive chicas on the street.

4. Weekends are still rockin' but weekdays are slower all around.

I'm sure there are other circumstances but perhaps you get my point. It's not that people are overreacting, it's not the same for everyone and some will notice issues much more than others.

Some guys have expectations and are less flexible and feel let down while others go with the flow and relish the change.
Everyone is different.

I dont' think it is as bad as some of these threads make it sound. Compare the negative in the thread Vs. some of the trip reports in the same period. you won't see people mentioning that it is difficult. People are still having a great time. I also gather that this is considered the slow season as well.

09-26-2010, 07:40 PM
Come on down. They had a big "White" party in Classico's last nite with all the chicas wearing white and prize money. It is certainly slower during the week but the weekends seem fine. As always if you can't find toto here then you can't find your own ass with two hands and a flashlight. The chicas still outnumber the mongers by a good margin. And as with everything else you know this "effort" will never be sustained. It has had the added effect of some chicas taking less money just to be with a gringo all night.

And what a major clusterphuck it was up there in the disco. Couldn't really get anywhere near the side area by the windows over the 'Harangue Bar' where they were having the competition for "most elegant" and "hottest dress", and the dudes definitely outnumbered the chicas for maybe the first time I've ever seen in there. And disappointingly, didn't see any stunners among the chicas either - though maybe the few available had already been pulled by then...

But as Robert noted, still no problem finding available toto. Made out and danced with a chica in the club, but kicked her to the curb outside when I caught a good look at her too thick legs. Finally settled on a different chica from Santo Domingo who though only in the 5-6 range, offered a nice GFE session for the usual 1000 pesos.

Still vastly prefer the weeknights in Classicos for the far better ratios...

09-26-2010, 07:44 PM
Robert and WetWillie are great resources to the board.


The Sage
09-26-2010, 08:30 PM
And as with everything else you know this "effort" will never be sustained.

I hope this turns out to be the case, but 4 years later most of the country's night life shuts down at 12 am from Sunday to Thursday. i'm still surprised this has lasted that long.

09-26-2010, 08:44 PM
Is this conjecture or do you have exclusive facts/ insights to back up your statement?

And as with everything else you know this "effort" will never be sustained.

09-26-2010, 09:00 PM
Is this conjecture or do you have exclusive facts/ insights to back up your statement?

It is all guess work and conjecture of course.

09-26-2010, 09:03 PM
I hope this turns out to be the case, but 4 years later most of the country's night life shuts down at 12 am from Sunday to Thursday. i'm still surprised this has lasted that long.

I was never here 4 years ago so can't speak to that. But in most areas of the country it would seem that the fact that most Dominicans work 9+ hours a day during the week may be a factor in that.

Disclaimer: This is all guess work and conjecture on my part.

09-26-2010, 09:15 PM
Made out and danced with a chica in the club, but kicked her to the curb outside when I caught a good look at her too thick legs. Finally settled on a different chica from Santo Domingo who though only in the 5-6 range, offered a nice GFE session for the usual 1000 pesos.

Damn, you must REALLY not like thick legs to boot her for a 5-6 chica!!

09-26-2010, 09:16 PM
From what I have heard it is not the Mayor. The mayor does not control the Politur. It is a woman that is in charge of the Politur in the area. They are also rounding up the street kids. I have seen them being chased and shit. I have not lived here long at all, but I know that without the "trade" there is little or no reason for tourists to come to Sosua. The beaches are just as good or better in other parts of the country and there are already more resorts than they can fill in those places. Clean up Sosua for good and you will also destroy all the business here and the jobs for Dominicans that go with them. I highly doubt there is some long term plan for any kind of alternative to the "trade" that will save the businesses and jobs.

Thanks Robert for saying in your own words exactly what I think as well ,and posted before, in my words.... I would like to know what the "plan" is AFTER SOSUA IS "CLEANED UP" . Where will this new money going to come from that will support all the little businesses in town. ?? If they cant aswer this question, then its because there IS NO PLAN...

I like to draw stupid little analogies
You dont like the paint or Color on your car, Maybe someone Drew Graffiti all over it, so you remove all the paint, and now you have bare metal. Problem is you didnt even buy the new paint yet, nor the primer, in fact someone stole your paint gun too.
And while the car is stripped to bare metal, the weather man is calling for RAIN, and you dont even have a Garage... thats what is going to happen to Sosua. It will Rust before the new Paint Hits it.

09-26-2010, 09:26 PM
Lots of guys are saying this but certain clarifications need to be made and understood.

1. Newbies will not know the difference since they have no frame of reference for Sosua.

2. Experienced guys with previous contacts and phone numbers will not really be bothered either.

3. Guys that thrive "on the street" and the open bars, people watching and "hunting" are reporting that there is a noticeable difference. Much fewer and less attractive chicas on the street.

4. Weekends are still rockin' but weekdays are slower all around.

I'm sure there are other circumstances but perhaps you get my point. It's not that people are overreacting, it's not the same for everyone and some will notice issues much more than others.

Some guys have expectations and are less flexible and feel let down while others go with the flow and relish the change.
Everyone is different.

There is absolutely NO reason to hesitate on taking a trip down there no matter what's being said.

Even if all you're gonna do is Sosua, and even if you don't have a bunch of numbers you can call when hitting ground, you can still find your hot chicas in Classico every night and you can still find your 5's in Latinos and Merengue if you're on a budget. You can still go to La Passion and you can now also go to Caribbean Men's Paradise.

In reality, not a whole lot has changed and you should have a very good time. Sosua is still Sosua and there's still something for every type of monger. Go and have fun ..... and report back. ;)

09-26-2010, 09:37 PM
Thanks Robert for saying in your own words exactly what I think as well ,and posted before, in my words.... I would like to know what the "plan" is AFTER SOSUA IS "CLEANED UP" . Where will this new money going to come from that will support all the little businesses in town. ?? If they cant aswer this question, then its because there IS NO PLAN...

I like to draw stupid little analogies
You dont like the paint or Color on your car, Maybe someone Drew Graffiti all over it, so you remove all the paint, and now you have bare metal. Problem is you didnt even buy the new paint yet, nor the primer, in fact someone stole your paint gun too.
And while the car is stripped to bare metal, the weather man is calling for RAIN, and you dont even have a Garage... thats what is going to happen to Sosua. It will Rust before the new Paint Hits it.

Well actually the well documented and discussed longer term plan is to have a 'red light district' at the far end of Clisante.

Just get the whores off the streets in downtown Sosua central.

Hell even the High Caribbean may re-open!!!! Sweet!!!!

I will look for the links manana as I have Haitian toto awaiting.

09-26-2010, 09:38 PM
Thanks Juan,

Since I know your style and taste and trust your judgment completely I am going to accept this as Gospel and use it as my benchmark on this subject.

I have my suspicions and thoughts on what is apparently planned by some, what may happen and what I think is likely but it will take months, or longer, IMO before we can definitively say more.

Until Something much more drastic starts getting regularly reported by other trusted members on the ground I see little point or cause for more discussion so I'm just going to try and sit back and watch. :eek::lol:

09-26-2010, 09:48 PM
Well actually the well documented and discussed longer term plan is to have a 'red light district' at the far end of Clisante.

Just get the whores off the streets in downtown Sosua central.

Hell even the High Caribbean may re-open!!!! Sweet!!!!

I will look for the links manana as I have Haitian toto awaiting.

That looks More like it same shit they did in Cancun, Mexico they moved all the bad elements to the so called Zona de tolerancia or also know has Plaza 21.

09-26-2010, 09:57 PM
Now that would make almost too much sense!

It'll potentially allow Sosua to be both a family (AI) and monger destination by geographically separating the activities, and lessening the visibility of the trade.

Well actually the well documented and discussed longer term plan is to have a 'red light district' at the far end of Clisante.

Just get the whores off the streets in downtown Sosua central.

Hell even the High Caribbean may re-open!!!! Sweet!!!!

I will look for the links manana as I have Haitian toto awaiting.

09-26-2010, 10:09 PM
Now that would make almost too much sense!

It'll potentially allow Sosua to be both a family (AI) and monger destination by geographically separating the activities, and lessening the visibility of the trade.

Funny thing is, no matter how safe the town, the AI's will, as they always do, discourage their guest from leaving the resort. It is in their best interest to keep any spending money in the resorts thus sending dollars/euros/rubels back to the overseas owners. Sosua has nothing for families to do, attractions...??

09-26-2010, 10:21 PM
Other than going to the Beach there is nothing for a family to do but go off the AI resort to eat. Why would a family want to stroll through the town to do what?. Do they want more AI tourists to sit at El Flow? lol

Family's will go to Cabarete, because there is more to do. Hell tell the Mayor to clean out all the hookers so I can get some regular Dominican toto my spanish will be good by then.

09-26-2010, 10:29 PM
I remember that and chicas asking us to walk them between bars so they wouldn't be arrested. Eventually it did stop.

How long did it last before. From what I can read in old threads it was at least 6mos.

Either way I have pulled very little from PC and most from classicos, NG, Passiones and the beach. Numbers are always good too. It alos helps know the friends of your chica (and banging them LOL) cuz if a number changes you can still get what you need. ;)

09-26-2010, 10:58 PM
I was in Sosua in 97 or so when it was completely shut down and empty. I just returned from there and watched the round ups as they began, asked for the scoop and was told by a woman who knows that they were arresting a bunch of girls every night and putting them in the jail til morning. They weren't looking for money and they arrested everyone, Dominicans and Haitians. A waitress I know was also arrested twice just for being there - in her case around Bambu in Cabarete. The crackdown is both in Sosua and Cabarete. I saw the police on Cabarete beach with a whole new attitude one night, carrying night sticks and looking aggressive. There was a larger than usual police presence in Sosua, including lots of PN's. As to who's behind it, the consensus is that its the new Mayor. The repressive measures do not seem nearly as extreme as 97. There is a certain gentleness about the whole thing = no money, just suffering for a few hours. But it certainly raises the stakes for the girls.

09-26-2010, 11:02 PM
I was in Sosua in 97 or so when it was completely shut down and empty. I just returned from there and watched the round ups as they began, asked for the scoop and was told by a woman who knows that they were arresting a bunch of girls every night and putting them in the jail til morning. They weren't looking for money and they arrested everyone, Dominicans and Haitians. A waitress I know was also arrested twice just for being there - in her case around Bambu in Cabarete. The crackdown is both in Sosua and Cabarete. I saw the police on Cabarete beach with a whole new attitude one night, carrying night sticks and looking aggressive. There was a larger than usual police presence in Sosua, including lots of PN's. As to who's behind it, the consensus is that its the new Mayor. The repressive measures do not seem nearly as extreme as 97. There is a certain gentleness about the whole thing = no money, just suffering for a few hours. But it certainly raises the stakes for the girls.

I have seen more PN's than before but they are not bothering anyone that I have seen. They just seem to be making their presence felt. The AMET is confiscating motos for not having helmets and the Politur is messing with the chicas and street kids.

09-27-2010, 06:54 AM
How long did it last before. From what I can read in old threads it was at least 6mos.

Either way I have pulled very little from PC and most from classicos, NG, Passiones and the beach. Numbers are always good too. It alos helps know the friends of your chica (and banging them LOL) cuz if a number changes you can still get what you need. ;)

It was over a couple of trips, so a few months. Never really affected my vacation, just got rid of the annoying chicas. The thing with the street kids wasn't happening then, but by the sounds of things there are more around now.

09-27-2010, 09:21 AM
Sosua IS A MONGER TOWN ...without us there will be no town...Anyone who has been here for 5 yrs has seen the decline on the streets....This town is dying a slow death!

09-27-2010, 10:04 AM
Sosua IS A MONGER TOWN ...without us there will be no town...Anyone who has been here for 5 yrs has seen the decline on the streets....This town is dying a slow death!

It is dead. Go back 15 years when there were 7 large discos going full blast.

09-27-2010, 11:00 AM
Many people have argued in this and other threads that Sosua will always be a monger town because the putas need to eat. And that the current clean-up has no chance to substantially alter the scene.

Question: Where did all the putas go that many years ago filled up seven large discos (vs. the one left standing today)? Have they stopped eating?

It is dead. Go back 15 years when there were 7 large discos going full blast.

09-27-2010, 11:03 AM
Many people have argued in this and other threads that Sosua will always be a monger town because the putas need to eat. And that the current clean-up has no chance to substantially alter the scene.

Question: Where did all the putas go that many years ago filled up seven large discos (vs. the one left standing today)? Have they stopped eating?

Many people live in shacks with many people. May be 8 or 10 people and usually 2 or 3 are working. As far as I know, there are no starving or hungry Dominicans on the island.

What is really killing Sosua is the taxes to get there. I haven't been back in over 3 years because I can fly anyplace else for less. I was paying $275 - $350 RT in the early 2000's to get there, directly.

09-27-2010, 11:14 AM
What the dumb ass greedy Dominicans dont seem to get through their thick skulls is that you have to get us ON THE GROUND before you start fleecing us. If we never get on that plane, you wont get a single dollar from us. And Fleecing those who DO STILL GO even HARDER is NOT a good alrternative in the long run.
If someone could just get out some Crayons and draw a picture for them ...

09-27-2010, 11:17 AM
What is really killing Sosua is the taxes to get there. I haven't been back in over 3 years because I can fly anyplace else for less. I was paying $275 - $350 RT in the early 2000's to get there, directly.

That was in the 2000's now its 2010 and price is double, by 2020 it will be $1200 to $1500 for RT, if not more.

09-27-2010, 11:19 AM
That was in the 2000's now its 2010 and price is double, by 2020 it will be $1200 to $1500 for RT, if not more.

Medellin is $192 RT on Spirit or about $445 on American. Paying $500 or more to POP makes no sense at all.

09-27-2010, 11:22 AM
I know that Jimmy, but some ppl arent ready for the big move yet.

09-27-2010, 11:24 AM
I know that Jimmy, but some ppl arent ready for the big move yet.

All I know is when a guy keeps complaining about how bad something is becoming, its time to move on. It won't change over night, to better, it takes time.

09-27-2010, 11:26 AM
thats for sure.

09-27-2010, 11:30 AM
Most of you newer guys don't realize it, but is drying up. Use to be there were three places in Caberete, which are all gone.

Use to be a strip of bars in Puerto Plata that was great, they are gone as well.

You could hire a taxi for $25, go from Caberete to Puerto Plata and find chicas along the way, most times.

So, can they kill Sosua, yes they can.

09-27-2010, 11:30 AM
From what I have heard it is not the Mayor. The mayor does not control the Politur. It is a woman that is in charge of the Politur in the area. They are also rounding up the street kids. I have seen them being chased and shit. I have not lived here long at all, but I know that without the "trade" there is little or no reason for tourists to come to Sosua. The beaches are just as good or better in other parts of the country and there are already more resorts than they can fill in those places. Clean up Sosua for good and you will also destroy all the business here and the jobs for Dominicans that go with them. I highly doubt there is some long term plan for any kind of alternative to the "trade" that will save the businesses and jobs.

We can discuss ad nauseam that streetwalking is illegal everywhere, or that without foreign currency inflows DR goes medieval, or what had happened in the past, or where putas go if Sos. shuts down, all not very relevant unless anyone on the ground with connections asks a National Police colonel between visits to his family with a bottle of whiskey or baseball gear what is really going on.

Information wise there is a profound difference between journalism (visitors on the ground), official position (what the mayor has said or has not said) and information from the field (in this case only National police contacts can supply true information).

09-27-2010, 12:18 PM
Medellin is $192 RT on Spirit or about $445 on American. Paying $500 or more to POP makes no sense at all.

What is Medellin? What is special about it in relation to our hobby? To me it sounds one of many places. It has no beach. I never been in M. so what is the special deal about it?

Without chicas I do not need DR and Sosua neither. I am glad that in ten years did not buy any real property there. What a big and bad change in the country!! Hard to believe!

09-27-2010, 01:01 PM
All i really give a shit about is the weekends...If Classicos is still jumpin then everything is coo...all this talk still makes me feel very uneasy about my forthcoming trip...if things are too ugly i may jus ride down to Santiago

09-27-2010, 01:55 PM
Fisher: The 250,000 Brits who visit Dominican beaches yearly want more.

http://www.dominicantoday.com/image/article/78/209x400/0/04C1B205-7B08-4DDD-AFBF-405B0666332E.jpeg Steve Fisher. File.
http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/bits/blue-round-more.gifZoom Picture

SANTO DOMINGO. – As many as 250,000 British tourists visit Dominican Republic every year, United Kingdom ambassador Steven M. Fisher affirmed Monday, but affirmed that despite the good number, "there’s a great potential to develop a different tourism, more upscale and with distinct activities," which in his view will contribute to get more Brits to visit the Caribbean nation.
“Until now the majority wants only to spend one week or two weeks on the beaches, but there are tourists who want other things and Dominican Republic offers an enormously varied potential to have fun in another manner," the diplomat said.
Fisher revealed that around 500 Brits live in the country, mostly in the North coast, specifically Sosúa, in Puerto Plata province, though their presence is increasing. “You never know, there are Brits everywhere." As to the social aspect, Fisher noted that the British are increasingly taking part in Santo Domingo’s social activities, citing the Queen’s recent birthday, which was attended by the British community and its Dominican associates here.

09-27-2010, 02:29 PM
Sosua IS A MONGER TOWN ...without us there will be no town...Anyone who has been here for 5 yrs has seen the decline on the streets....This town is dying a slow death!
I was there recently and saw plenty of regular tourists around, maybe somebody think that they could do better without us. Personally, it doesn't bother me a bit. Women are everywhere, I will adapt.

09-27-2010, 02:43 PM
I was there recently and saw plenty of regular tourists around, maybe somebody think that they could do better without us. Personally, it doesn't bother me a bit. Women are everywhere, I will adapt.

Sosua is heavily advertised among Russian criminal interests as the only destination in the World that does not requires Russians to have visas to enter and does not check criminal background for providing residency, issuing Dominican passport, giving a brand new Dominican name...

That is why prices are going up like crazy as Russians do not speak languages and are very easy to manipulate and overcharge. Very soon deep Russian pockets will price out from Sosua both chicas and mongers and prices here will be like on Piccadili Circus or in Moscow. It is inevitable.

I am truly happy that I did not buy. I was so close to it man! Nobody could expect what would happen so soon. Regular american folks wont`t be able to afford to live here with Russian mafia prices. I know what I say. I travel all over the World due to my work all my life. My next work destination is Boca Chica for six months. I`d better`ve gone to some other LA place but it is too late to change now.

Mr. Smooth
09-27-2010, 02:46 PM
Medellin is $192 RT on Spirit or about $445 on American. Paying $500 or more to POP makes no sense at all.

I was considering a trip to the DR in March. I also had been curious about other destinations in the Caribbean as well. When I was checking prices, round trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica was $527 from Sacramento. It's a 25 minute ride to the airport here from my house. At the same time, the fare to POP was nearly $300 more. And that was from San Francisco. Include the gas and parking fee, add $120 to that.

I am now booked at the SeaStar Inn in Negril from March 4-12 at $49 per night, just $4 more than what the Casa Valeria charges, and for what looks to be a much larger room with more amenities. And a hammock on the balcony! And the girls speak english.

I will probably be back in the DR in May. It is a much more reasonable $576 (for me from the West coast anyway) all in.

Wish I could have discovered Sosua years ago when there were 7 discos up and running instead of the 2 now. Must have been some fun times back then!

09-27-2010, 02:47 PM
Wish I could have discovered Sosua years ago when there were 7 discos up and running instead of the 2 now. Must have been some fun times back then!

Well I got there in 1997 and there were only 2 up and running.

09-27-2010, 02:50 PM
I was in Sosua in 97 or so when it was completely shut down and empty. I just returned from there and watched the round ups as they began, asked for the scoop and was told by a woman who knows that they were arresting a bunch of girls every night and putting them in the jail til morning. They weren't looking for money and they arrested everyone, Dominicans and Haitians. A waitress I know was also arrested twice just for being there - in her case around Bambu in Cabarete. The crackdown is both in Sosua and Cabarete. I saw the police on Cabarete beach with a whole new attitude one night, carrying night sticks and looking aggressive. There was a larger than usual police presence in Sosua, including lots of PN's. As to who's behind it, the consensus is that its the new Mayor. The repressive measures do not seem nearly as extreme as 97. There is a certain gentleness about the whole thing = no money, just suffering for a few hours. But it certainly raises the stakes for the girls.
They are doing the same thing in Santo Domingo.

09-27-2010, 02:50 PM
Sosua is heavily advertised among Russian criminal interests as the only destination in the World that does not requires Russians to have visas to enter and does not check criminal background for providing residency, issuing Dominican passport, giving a brand new Dominican name...

That is why prices are going up like crazy as Russians do not speak languages and are very easy to manipulate and overcharge. Very soon deep Russian pockets will price out from Sosua both chicas and mongers and prices here will be like on Piccadili Circus or in Moscow. It is inevitable.

I am truly happy that I did not buy. I was so close to it man! Nobody could expect what would happen so soon. Regular american folks wont`t be able to afford to live here with Russian mafia prices. I know what I say. I travel all over the World due to my work all my life. My next work destination is Boca Chica for six months. I`d better`ve gone to some other LA place but it is too late to change now.

Well, that certainly Explains a LOT of things...doesnt it..
Do you know this as FACT, or hearing it second hand ?
I have no reason to doubt a single word you are saying.

09-27-2010, 03:04 PM
Well, that certainly Explains a LOT of things...doesnt it..
Do you know this as FACT, or hearing it second hand ?
I have no reason to doubt a single word you are saying.

I am too old to heresay. I know personally practically every Russian business owner in Sosua... SOV, Red Square (former White Horse), Wild Coyote, Hispanola ( guys on whose money Werner builds), El Paraiso, former owner Cayenne, Sky Dream, Sosnovka... etc

Those guys have uncounted millions, so Sosua and Bavaro prices will keep skyrocket higher and higher...

I gave up on Sosua myself. Looking for a new retirement destination. Without super rich Russian neighbours.

09-27-2010, 03:25 PM
As of June 2010, holders of the ordinary Russian passport for travel abroad traveling as tourists may visit at least 53 countries visa-free and an additional 34 countries with a visa-on-arrival. An agreement signed with Turkey to scrap visa requirements is expected to enter into force in the nearest future and agreements about visa-free travel are currently negotiated with Panama, Uruguay and Mongolia, but no formal agreement has been signed yet. Agreement with Chile signed on 24.9.2010, but it is not in force yet


Sosua is heavily advertised among Russian criminal interests as the only destination in the World that does not requires Russians to have visas to enter and does not check criminal background for providing residency, issuing Dominican passport, giving a brand new Dominican name...

That is why prices are going up like crazy as Russians do not speak languages and are very easy to manipulate and overcharge. Very soon deep Russian pockets will price out from Sosua both chicas and mongers and prices here will be like on Piccadili Circus or in Moscow. It is inevitable.

I am truly happy that I did not buy. I was so close to it man! Nobody could expect what would happen so soon. Regular american folks wont`t be able to afford to live here with Russian mafia prices. I know what I say. I travel all over the World due to my work all my life. My next work destination is Boca Chica for six months. I`d better`ve gone to some other LA place but it is too late to change now.

09-27-2010, 03:36 PM
As of June 2010, holders of the ordinary Russian passport for travel abroad traveling as tourists may visit at least 53 countries visa-free and an additional 34 countries with a visa-on-arrival. An agreement signed with Turkey to scrap visa requirements is expected to enter into force in the nearest future and agreements about visa-free travel are currently negotiated with Panama, Uruguay and Mongolia, but no formal agreement has been signed yet. Agreement with Chile signed on 24.9.2010, but it is not in force yet


Correct! But it is only last year, maybe a bit more. Before that it was only DR, Egypt and Turkey of the whole World that allowed Russians without visas and cheching backgound. And the current business-Russian "population" of Sosua stays here already three-eight (SOV) years.

Now due to the global financial crysis many countries are desperate to attract ANY MONEY AND ANY PEOPLE at all. Just to be able to survive somehow.

09-27-2010, 03:53 PM
Do the regular "Dominicans feel that they can not go out without being harassed by Americans if they wanted to really stop the flow they would start locking up Americans who come down spend money on sex.
They are not locking us up,yet! But, there is much expensive harassment of tourists. i.e., no seat belts @ 1700 pesos, parking tickets, mas.

The Sage
09-27-2010, 04:24 PM
Looks like the roundup may have intensified this weekend. My contacts tell me Friday was good, but on Saturday word is 30 girls were picked up. A large police vehicle was used for transport. Sunday according to my source was extremely slow. Only the fuglies out and about with new talent virtually non-existent. There is the fear that the crackdown and the publicity around it has started to result in out of town women staying away. Local fuglies are apparently being left alone by police. Also girls are afraid to go to the beach since unaccompanied women are subject to harassment by Politur.

09-27-2010, 04:27 PM
Looks like the roundup may have intensified this weekend. My contacts tell me Friday was good, but on Saturday word is 30 girls were picked up. A large police vehicle was used for transport. Sunday according to my source was extremely slow. Only the fuglies out a about. There is the fear that the crackdown and the publicity around it has started to result in out of town women staying away. Local fuglies are apparently being left alone by police. Also girls are afraid to go to the beach since unaccompanied women are subject to harassment by Politur.

What are the nearby places to venture for those of us who have cars and do not mind 10-20 minutes driving?

The Sage
09-27-2010, 04:32 PM
If nothing decent can be found on the streets or clubs probably best to visit Passions or the CMG spot. You could go to POP, but you'd still realistically only have the casas at 5k TLN. You can do a far better price at Passions.

09-27-2010, 04:36 PM
I am too old to heresay. I know personally practically every Russian business owner in Sosua... SOV, Red Square (former White Horse), Wild Coyote, Hispanola ( guys on whose money Werner builds), El Paraiso, former owner Cayenne, Sky Dream, Sosnovka... etc

Those guys have uncounted millions, so Sosua and Bavaro prices will keep skyrocket higher and higher...

I gave up on Sosua myself. Looking for a new retirement destination. Without super rich Russian neighbours.

If the Russians are there then its good for p4p but bad news is they dont play well with others. Look at Pattaya. The Russian mafia are hardcore and take shit from noone even in a foreign country.

09-27-2010, 04:50 PM
If the Russians are there then its good for p4p but bad news is they dont play well with others. Look at Pattaya. The Russian mafia are hardcore and take shit from noone even in a foreign country.

Several months ago a Russian auto shop near Alejo Martinez attacked with guns (hiring Haitians for this) another competing Russian auto shop "Victor", tried to kill Victor and his wife Lena, shot him in the legs. He was able to reach his guns and opened return fire to make them running leaving their Toyota...

Another Russian gang burnt Wild Coyotte that belongs to Alexey from St. Pitersburg for refuse to share profits with mafia and for attracting too many customers from al Porto.

Another Alexey`s (also from SPB) construction work (across the street from Red Square, former White Horse) was completely disabled and looted for the same reason.

It is not funny now.

Dick Dawson
09-27-2010, 04:54 PM
If nothing decent can be found on the streets or clubs probably best to visit Passions or the CMG spot. You could go to POP, but you'd still realistically only have the casas at 5k TLN. You can do a far better price at Passions.

Is Rio Verde, the spot off the main highway still around?

The Sage
09-27-2010, 05:10 PM
Is Rio Verde, the spot off the main highway still around?

Yes, it's still there.

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 05:16 PM
I wonder what happens when the owner of Sosua Bay & Classico's crosses path's with the Russian's or are they buddies?

09-27-2010, 05:18 PM
They are not locking us up,yet! But, there is much expensive harassment of tourists. i.e., no seat belts @ 1700 pesos, parking tickets, mas.
Fining people for not wearing seat-belts if the law requires it is not harassment, it's good policing. Same goes for illegal parking.

09-27-2010, 05:18 PM
Great, so my newbie friend has caught wind of all this and now does not want to go!!

09-27-2010, 05:26 PM
Sosua is heavily advertised among Russian criminal interests as the only destination in the World that does not requires Russians to have visas to enter and does not check criminal background for providing residency, issuing Dominican passport, giving a brand new Dominican name...

That is why prices are going up like crazy as Russians do not speak languages and are very easy to manipulate and overcharge. Very soon deep Russian pockets will price out from Sosua both chicas and mongers and prices here will be like on Piccadili Circus or in Moscow. It is inevitable.

I am truly happy that I did not buy. I was so close to it man! Nobody could expect what would happen so soon. Regular american folks wont`t be able to afford to live here with Russian mafia prices. I know what I say. I travel all over the World due to my work all my life. My next work destination is Boca Chica for six months. I`d better`ve gone to some other LA place but it is too late to change now.

Go to Pattaya the Russians are all over there too.

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 05:31 PM
Great, so my newbie friend has caught wind of all this and now does not want to go!!

Ditch him ;catch a plane to Medellin thursday you can stay in my Parque Llleras apartment for free.

09-27-2010, 05:34 PM
Fining people for not wearing seat-belts if the law requires it is not harassment, it's good policing. Same goes for illegal parking.

Exactly, what we are talking about. Inventing more and more and more "LAWS" to be able to milk us non-stop "legally".

Next "LAW" will be fine for a beer bottle without paper bag. Next one - sting operation - to take our cars.All this will be called GOOD POLICING.

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 05:51 PM
Mirco Welcome to the Board!

Keep telling us like it is !

I hate sugar coaters.

09-27-2010, 05:54 PM
Great, so my newbie friend has caught wind of all this and now does not want to go!!

So go with out him. You don't need this guy.

09-27-2010, 05:57 PM
Better yet chage your date to first week in November, looks like a big groups of us will be in town, and we would all like to meet Jimbo, the Legend.

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 06:00 PM
Stay out of Sosua that holiday weekend bad bad bad!

09-27-2010, 06:04 PM
Stay out of Sosua that holiday weekend bad bad bad!

what hoilday Weekend?

09-27-2010, 06:05 PM
so politur will not walk around and collect their monthly payoffs at the first of the month???

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 06:16 PM
Bad Bad Bad stay out that weekend! Dammit!


09-27-2010, 06:17 PM
Bad Bad Bad stay out that weekend! Dammit!

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5024)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5023)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5021)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5020)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5019)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5018)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5017)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5016)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5015)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5014)

the bad part is half your pictures will be blurry:confused::rofl:

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 06:37 PM
Fucking Olympus if it wasn't waterproof I would throw it away but then again---------------------------------

Stay hOme its dangerous down there!!!!!!!!!


09-27-2010, 06:39 PM
Fucking Olympus if it wasn't waterproof I would throw it away but then again---------------------------------

Stay hOme its dangerous down there!!!!!!!!!

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5025)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5026)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5027)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5028)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5029)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5030)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5031)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5032)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5033)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5034)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5035)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5036)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5037)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5038)
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5039)

OK I won't go there then:lol:

09-27-2010, 06:59 PM

This chica is realling taking her life in her hands, Doesnt she know that SHARKS like SHINY things ? She will get eaten for sure.


And thse people are surprisingly Calm, considering the Tsunami is about to wash them all into the ocean.

09-27-2010, 07:23 PM
There is absolutely NO reason to hesitate on taking a trip down there no matter what's being said.

Even if all you're gonna do is Sosua, and even if you don't have a bunch of numbers you can call when hitting ground, you can still find your hot chicas in Classico every night and you can still find your 5's in Latinos and Merengue if you're on a budget. You can still go to La Passion and you can now also go to Caribbean Men's Paradise.

In reality, not a whole lot has changed and you should have a very good time. Sosua is still Sosua and there's still something for every type of monger. Go and have fun ..... and report back. ;)

exactly... :)

09-27-2010, 07:27 PM
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/picture.php?albumid=248&pictureid=5029)

And thse people are surprisingly Calm, considering the Tsunami is about to wash them all into the ocean.

I was there with 8orbetter. I barely survived.

Mr Hillbilly
09-27-2010, 07:34 PM
8orBetter got his phone wiped out by those waves.

Too bad he lost all those numbers with it!

09-27-2010, 07:43 PM
I was considering a trip to the DR in March. I also had been curious about other destinations in the Caribbean as well. When I was checking prices, round trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica was $527 from Sacramento. It's a 25 minute ride to the airport here from my house. At the same time, the fare to POP was nearly $300 more. And that was from San Francisco. Include the gas and parking fee, add $120 to that.

I am now booked at the SeaStar Inn in Negril from March 4-12 at $49 per night, just $4 more than what the Casa Valeria charges, and for what looks to be a much larger room with more amenities. And a hammock on the balcony! And the girls speak english.

I will probably be back in the DR in May. It is a much more reasonable $576 (for me from the West coast anyway) all in.

Wish I could have discovered Sosua years ago when there were 7 discos up and running instead of the 2 now. Must have been some fun times back then!

Enjoy a new destination and culture. Have to fill me in on that experience.

Be easy Snake man!


09-27-2010, 07:54 PM
Looks like the roundup may have intensified this weekend. My contacts tell me Friday was good, but on Saturday word is 30 girls were picked up. A large police vehicle was used for transport. Sunday according to my source was extremely slow. Only the fuglies out and about with new talent virtually non-existent. There is the fear that the crackdown and the publicity around it has started to result in out of town women staying away. Local fuglies are apparently being left alone by police. Also girls are afraid to go to the beach since unaccompanied women are subject to harassment by Politur.

None of this makes any sense.

The infrastructure of the whole town is a joke.

If they got rid of every hooker in Sosua tomorrow, it would simply be a ghost town. NOBODY ELSE IS COMING.

The roads and streets are horrendous and filthy. There's dozens of dilapitaded buildings. The beach is an eyesore. If they cleaned all that shit up and bulldozed the beach "shops" to turn the playa into a Cabarete-style evening hang-out spot, i would at least understand their plan. But you still wouldn't start to get rid of the hookers 'til all of this was in its final stages.

Again, what is this crackdown supposed to accomplish NOW, cuz we all know if all these "changes" to Sosua do happen, half of us will be dead before they're up and ready.

What is the fucking point to random arrests of poor girls who are simply let out the next day? Can someone down there actually get someone to answer this question?

09-27-2010, 08:23 PM
I am always at a loss about the persistence of half-truths, misinformation, etc.

If you read my earlier post carefully: "An agreement signed with Turkey to scrap visa requirements is expected to enter into force in the nearest future and agreements about visa-free travel are currently negotiated with Panama, Uruguay and Mongolia, but no formal agreement has been signed yet."

Contrary to your statement Turkey has not been a visa-free destination for Russians. It is about to become one.

WMDs anyone?

P.S.: Now if you want to really talk about restricted travel options, consider Haitian passport holders! Only 14 countries in the world allow visa-free travel for Haitians, and most of these places nobody wants to go to anyways. Makes them one of the most restricted passport holders. Heck, they can't legally travel to the DR w/o a visa.

Correct! But it is only last year, maybe a bit more. Before that it was only DR, Egypt and Turkey of the whole World that allowed Russians without visas and cheching backgound. And the current business-Russian "population" of Sosua stays here already three-eight (SOV) years.

Now due to the global financial crysis many countries are desperate to attract ANY MONEY AND ANY PEOPLE at all. Just to be able to survive somehow.

09-27-2010, 08:36 PM
Ditch him ;catch a plane to Medellin thursday you can stay in my Parque Llleras apartment for free.

Ha, ya know, after reading all this shit about what is going down in Sosua, and if I knew you better, I could see me doing it!!:confused:
Now I am flying solo, which is no big deal, have did it several times already. There are some other dudes on the flight, and know there will be many more to hang with once there, but it is basically about tagging chicas, and I certainly do not want to hang with the typical Sosua street rat whores. Been there and did many of them, they r just good for 30 min day fucks, where i am not even in the mood to shoot a load... just want to get a little workout. I am still going to go, but the excitement level is at an all time low now,:icontd:

09-27-2010, 08:41 PM
I'll be there starting Oct 15 for 9 days.

We could always play Scrabble together if it gets too boring. :)

Ha, ya know, after reading all this shit about what is going down in Sosua, and if I knew you better, I could see me doing it!!:confused:
Now I am flying solo, which is no big deal, have did it several times already. There are some other dudes on the flight, and know there will be many more to hang with once there, but it is basically about tagging chicas, and I certainly do not want to hang with the typical Sosua street rat whores. Been there and did many of them, they r just good for 30 min day fucks, where i am not even in the mood to shoot a load... just want to get a little workout. I am still going to go, but the excitement level is at an all time low now,:icontd:

09-27-2010, 08:49 PM
I usually hang out in Sosua, hit up Caberete 1 day, take my moto into Charamichos, El Batey and a cpl other small towns b4 the airport. Thinking this time to journey out a bit further several miles east of Caberete if somone has a car. See where the wind blows me to?? Afterall, this could very well be the end of the Sosua journey finally for me!!

09-27-2010, 08:59 PM
Jimbo if you want to hit the bomba in Sabaneta on a Sunday afternoon hit me up. It will blow you away.

09-27-2010, 09:03 PM
I have not heard of this, but rest assured I am ready for anything different. You know where I wll be... NG!!!! Come by!!!!

09-27-2010, 10:49 PM
Granted I do not have my finger on the pulse of the puta situation every nite but I still see hot chicas everywhere. People tell me there are plenty of hot chicas in Classicos. How many do you need? You can only fuck two or three at a time:wink:

09-27-2010, 11:01 PM
I usually hang out in Sosua, hit up Caberete 1 day, take my moto into Charamichos, El Batey and a cpl other small towns b4 the airport. Thinking this time to journey out a bit further several miles east of Caberete if somone has a car. See where the wind blows me to?? Afterall, this could very well be the end of the Sosua journey finally for me!!

Never thought I would see the day when I saw Jimbo posting like this! Maybe the sky is falling:lol:

09-27-2010, 11:29 PM
Granted I do not have my finger on the pulse of the puta situation every nite but I still see hot chicas everywhere. People tell me there are plenty of hot chicas in Classicos. How many do you need? You can only fuck two or three at a time:wink:

Ok I feel better now.

09-28-2010, 09:25 AM
Never thought I would see the day when I saw Jimbo posting like this! Maybe the sky is falling:lol:

Yes, it seems that Jimbo has turned into Chicken Little !!!

Jimbo, calma, tranquilo por favor. Take it easy, my friend !!!

09-28-2010, 05:09 PM
uh. so this means cancel my Nov trip?

09-28-2010, 05:14 PM
uh. so this means cancel my Nov trip?

Dont cancel a thing, just go and have fun.

09-28-2010, 05:15 PM
I am goin to Sosua march 2011 and I am not canceling.

09-28-2010, 05:16 PM
Never thought I would see the day when I saw Jimbo posting like this! Maybe the sky is falling:lol:

His Colombian novia beat the man out of him.:surprised::biggrin::rolleyes::eek:

09-28-2010, 06:37 PM
His Colombian novia beat the man out of him.:surprised::biggrin::rolleyes::eek:




09-28-2010, 06:39 PM
Click to see pic (http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy111/spartacuswsj3/DaffyHit.gif)


Click to see pic (http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy111/spartacuswsj3/x6ner5.gif)

How do you explain all these guys that have stay at home wives coming home to feed the baby, do the cleaning and laundry. The "man" was beaten out of them.

09-28-2010, 07:46 PM
How do you explain all these guys that have stay at home wives coming home to feed the baby, do the cleaning and laundry. The "man" was beaten out of them.

Or maybe they were never "men" to begin with.

I've met plenty that were lacking in the cojones dep't before they even got married and turned Mr. Mom.

-Dudes walking around carrying their girls' bag and shit.
-Dudes letting their girl talk to them with attitude in front of other people.
-Dudes giving their checks to their girls and letting her handle all the finances.

Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

09-28-2010, 07:53 PM
Acute episode of male posing/ diarrhea ?

I carry my girl's shit proudly. She is three years old!

Or maybe they were never "men" to begin with.

I've met plenty that were lacking in the cojones dep't before they even got married and turned Mr. Mom.

-Dudes walking around carrying their girls' bag and shit.
-Dudes letting their girl talk to them with attitude in front of other people.
-Dudes giving their checks to their girls and letting her handle all the finances.

Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

09-28-2010, 07:56 PM
Acute episode of male posing/ diarrhea ?

I carry my girl's shit proudly. She is three years old!

You know very well i wasn't talking about your 3 y/o. :rolleyes:

09-28-2010, 10:27 PM
If you read what people are writing about Medellin, that place seems doomed as well.

Buying a plane ticket and getting there is the easy part.:eek:

And if half of the people that go to Sosua knew that you could be a deaf mute with a little notebook and go to Medellin and write the names to the whore houses down and take a cab there and get Full Service for $16 ya 16 bucks US without any Spanish they wouldn't even worry about this. But of course it is even better speaking some Spanish. But I admit my Spanish is weak and I still was amazed at the quality of the chicas

09-28-2010, 10:47 PM
Many people live in shacks with many people. May be 8 or 10 people and usually 2 or 3 are working. As far as I know, there are no starving or hungry Dominicans on the island.

What is really killing Sosua is the taxes to get there. I haven't been back in over 3 years because I can fly anyplace else for less. I was paying $275 - $350 RT in the early 2000's to get there, directly.

Great point, I noticed 2 thing recently, if you book with miles and are only paying the taxes it is $103.50 to the Dominican while it is $61 to Colombia. Then to add salt to the wound when you arrive in Puerto Plata you have to go to that stupid counter in the airport before Customs to Pay $10 US for a ticket like for a carnival ride that they throw away a minute later. :icontd:

09-28-2010, 10:49 PM
Great point, I noticed 2 thing recently, if you book with miles and are only paying the taxes it is $103.50 to the Dominican while it is $61 to Colombia. Then to add salt to the wound when you arrive in Puerto Plata you have to go to that stupid counter in the airport before Customs to Pay $10 US for a ticket like for a carnival ride that they throw away a minute later. :icontd:

Well you have to admit it is kind of like a carnival ride in Sosua.

09-28-2010, 10:53 PM
Medellin is $192 RT on Spirit or about $445 on American. Paying $500 or more to POP makes no sense at all.

I just checked MDE from Minneapolis on American with one stop in Miami and for Feb. 1 it is only $340 round trip. Sounds like a deal to me.

09-28-2010, 10:53 PM
Great point, I noticed 2 thing recently, if you book with miles and are only paying the taxes it is $103.50 to the Dominican while it is $61 to Colombia. Then to add salt to the wound when you arrive in Puerto Plata you have to go to that stupid counter in the airport before Customs to Pay $10 US for a ticket like for a carnival ride that they throw away a minute later. :icontd:

At least they could keep giving you that Free drink after you pay that $10 to walk from 1 counter to another. They did not have it on my last visit.

09-28-2010, 10:56 PM
Well you have to admit it is kind of like a carnival ride in Sosua.

:lol: Good One. This is true sometimes it can be a combination of the Pie Eating Contest at the Fair mixed with the Haunted House or House of WHorrors :rofl:
Combine that with some food stands and a ride on a moto late at night and you have a Carnival. :wink:

09-28-2010, 10:57 PM
At least they could keep giving you that Free drink after you pay that $10 to walk from 1 counter to another. They did not have it on my last visit.

Six trips last winter and spring and I didn't get a drink. They owe me a Six Pack. :lol:

09-28-2010, 11:00 PM
So how much of the rest of the world have you actually lived (not visited!) to support your profound statement? Enough of that!!

I started the thread to provide very current info on Politur policies regarding chicas. That's all, folks.

Thanks man. Not sure how the discussion got side tracked. I have a trip scheduled for Oct - Nov 2010 and find it useful to get the latest information on Sosua and the local environment. Thanks again.

09-28-2010, 11:17 PM
I was just in Sosua and I think these threads are overstated.

Yes there are not as many girls on the strip as say 2 months ago...however there are still an overabundance of hoes plying their wares.

I think everyone needs to relax with the "sky is falling" threads. This is not the only location in this country where you can get some toto.

I think everyone that creates these threads are doing a disservice to the newbies on the board.

OK there aren't 1,000 hookers on Pedro Clisante there are only 500.

Learn to live with the numbers.

Honestly its just the ones without their ID's that are affected by this transition. Its not the first time this has happened.

I think the thread is too political and for the most part has run its course.

I respectfully disagree there is a problem in Sosua. Hell last Saturday the wife beater crew had a stripper contest at the New Garden that spilled out into the street with hoes.

I think we should stop focusing on the quantity and look at the quality. If anyone feels that Sousa isn't their cup of tea...try Santiago or Santo Domingo.

Its not like the women there aren't selling pussy.

Relax gentlemen.

Click to see pic (http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy111/spartacuswsj3/battlestar_galactica_last_supper2.jpg)

Fucking ditto man. Clearly, things change over time....it is the natural course of things. I plan to go to Sosua until they pry my passport and airline ticket from dead cold fingers. Oh...and my cigar. :lol:

09-28-2010, 11:31 PM
Or maybe they were never "men" to begin with.

I've met plenty that were lacking in the cojones dep't before they even got married and turned Mr. Mom.

-Dudes walking around carrying their girls' bag and shit.
-Dudes letting their girl talk to them with attitude in front of other people.
-Dudes giving their checks to their girls and letting her handle all the finances.

Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

A Gentleman may carry a bag for a lady but a Man doesn't take attitude in public and only a Fucking Fool lets a woman handle all of his finances. No wonder there are so many guys destroyed in a Divorce, a woman should never know everything.

09-28-2010, 11:33 PM
I was there with 8orbetter. I barely survived.
hit by another wave....did you save your glasses & ballcap....:rolleyes:

09-29-2010, 07:12 AM
I was just there and did not say a major change. Maybe there are fewer girls alone on the beach and it did seem there were fewer girls hustling business on the streets.

But the strip was packed all weekend. I saw dozens of girls hanging out near the club/street on my walks from NG to Merengue. Classicos was packed all weekend with lots of chicas.

There were plenty of girls at each of the clubs. I usually started at Rumba across the street and there were plenty of chica groups at tables. Maybe they are running off out of town girls only. I don't know because I don't recognize all the locals yet.

I also saw the usual circle of girls all around the Merengue. Maybe they can't buy drinks but hell they never did anyway unless a guy was buying them for them. I did my part to support the honest working girls.

09-29-2010, 07:41 AM
Were u there during any of the weekdays? Seems like things are OK Fri-Sat. Would like to know how are things on the other days as I will be there next week... Good to know this past weekend was good!!!! Thanks for the updates!!

I was just there and did not say a major change. Maybe there are fewer girls alone on the beach and it did seem there were fewer girls hustling business on the streets.

But the strip was packed all weekend. I saw dozens of girls hanging out near the club/street on my walks from NG to Merengue. Classicos was packed all weekend with lots of chicas.

There were plenty of girls at each of the clubs. I usually started at Rumba across the street and there were plenty of chica groups at tables. Maybe they are running off out of town girls only. I don't know because I don't recognize all the locals yet.

I also saw the usual circle of girls all around the Merengue. Maybe they can't buy drinks but hell they never did anyway unless a guy was buying them for them. I did my part to support the honest working girls.

09-29-2010, 09:11 AM
Were u there during any of the weekdays? Seems like things are OK Fri-Sat. Would like to know how are things on the other days as I will be there next week... Good to know this past weekend was good!!!! Thanks for the updates!!

Was there myself for 7 days, just came back on the 22nd. The weekdays were fine as well, beach was dead except for sunday, BigDs was closed, most people were hanging at hermans, look just past BigDs for the red tablecloths. Daytime very slow lots of girls at NG hanging, very few on the streets. Night at bars plenty of chicas to go around.

09-29-2010, 09:43 AM
Tarzan and Krafty, thanx for the updates. I have not been down since this past May, and been wanting to go badly, just could not swing it for several reasons. Finally I get a window of time to do so, and just after I booked my trip I was hearing all the static. It was starting to bum me out, but I will be in the HOUSE in 2 weeks and a wake up!!!! Oh, and Jimmy, the novia will be In Cartengena with her family the same time.....I could have went along, BUT......the man (DOG) in me will not let it happen!!

09-29-2010, 02:02 PM
Not to worry Jimbo I think you will find all that you need. Like I said, maybe they are cleaning up the streets some and toning down the hardcore solicitation on the streets, but the club scene is fine, and it is fine by me if they get some of the dregs off the street, but you will still get hit up if you enjoy that sort of thing, they still pop up out of nowhere just not as obvious until you can't scrape them off your arm.

09-29-2010, 04:53 PM
None of this makes any sense.

The infrastructure of the whole town is a joke.

If they got rid of every hooker in Sosua tomorrow, it would simply be a ghost town. NOBODY ELSE IS COMING.

The roads and streets are horrendous and filthy. There's dozens of dilapitaded buildings. The beach is an eyesore. If they cleaned all that shit up and bulldozed the beach "shops" to turn the playa into a Cabarete-style evening hang-out spot, i would at least understand their plan. ?

But that's what she wants - us not to come back. At least not in the numbers we do now.

And Juan, Ma and Pa BabyBoomer from Buttfuck, Arkansas ain't never going to the South of France. But they just might buy a 250k condo in Sosua - The Jewell of the Caribbean! (it's all about marketing)

09-29-2010, 04:59 PM
But that's what she wants - us not to come back. At least not in the numbers we do now.

And Juan, Ma and Pa BabyBoomer from Buttfuck, Arkansas ain't never going to the South of France. But they just might buy a 250k condo in Sosua - The Jewell of the Caribbean! (it's all about marketing)

Once Cuba opens for Americans, post Fidel, that is where they will go. Bigger Island, much better infrastructure and much closer.

09-29-2010, 05:32 PM
But that's what she wants - us not to come back. At least not in the numbers we do now.

And Juan, Ma and Pa BabyBoomer from Buttfuck, Arkansas ain't never going to the South of France. But they just might buy a 250k condo in Sosua - The Jewell of the Caribbean! (it's all about marketing)

I hope thats not her sales pitch. :eek: I've watched Glen Gary Glen Ross, many times and I dont recall anything like that "Closing" a sale:rolleyes: :dontknow: , but then again, Im not from Buttfuck Arkansas .

09-29-2010, 05:50 PM
Once Cuba opens for Americans, post Fidel, that is where they will go. Bigger Island, much better infrastructure and much closer.

And they really know how to take the suckers to the cleaners.

09-29-2010, 05:53 PM
Once Cuba opens for Americans, post Fidel, that is where they will go. Bigger Island, much better infrastructure and much closer.

Infrastructure sucks there too, Food is even worse. it is closer is the only advantage

09-29-2010, 05:54 PM
Infrastructure sucks there too, Food is even worse. it is closer is the only advantage

Really, the food sucks?

09-29-2010, 05:56 PM
Really, the food sucks?

do you want a ham and cheese sandwich or a cheese and ham?:rofl:

09-29-2010, 06:00 PM
do you want a ham and cheese sandwich or a cheese and ham?:rofl:

So getting rice and chicken or fish is not going to happen?

09-29-2010, 06:01 PM
So getting rice and chicken or fish is not going to happen?

it might be easier in the future, but right now you can but it is expensive and not very good.

09-29-2010, 06:03 PM
it might be easier in the future, but right now you can but it is expensive and not very good.

So why do you guys keep returning?

09-29-2010, 06:03 PM
it might be easier in the future, but right now you can but it is expensive and not very good.
How can you possibly fuck up Rice and chicken or rice and fish ?

09-29-2010, 06:41 PM
I would like to know what the "plan" is AFTER SOSUA IS "CLEANED UP" . If they cant aswer this question, then its because there IS NO PLAN... .

Wanna buy a marina slip?


09-29-2010, 06:43 PM
This is so funny. It wouldn't look this now nor in 200 years from now.

09-29-2010, 06:43 PM
Wanna buy a marina slip?

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/68164ca3a8f51e3db.jpg)

Finally somewhere to park my yacht:rofl::rofl::rofl:

09-29-2010, 06:48 PM
Wanna buy a marina slip?

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/68164ca3a8f51e3db.jpg)

I would bet you on that one, but you wont live long enough to see if it happens or not & neigher will I .
Whats that ? Charamicos Under water under my Grandsons Yacht ??

09-29-2010, 07:31 PM
Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/68164ca3a8f51e3db.jpg)


09-30-2010, 12:36 AM
Finally somewhere to park my yacht:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ssshhhh that attracts free drink hounds. I lost the boat picture over a year ago :rofl::rofl::rofl: I am so glad I don't have a big boat anymore they are just a money pit and I am out of money.

09-30-2010, 02:19 AM
Who is going to scrub the shit off the yacht? Rio Sosua is one of the most polluted rivers in the DR....

09-30-2010, 05:59 AM
Who is going to scrub the shit off the yacht? Rio Sosua is one of the most polluted rivers in the DR....

There are a few unemployed guys around here:rofl::rofl:

09-30-2010, 07:06 AM
How can you possibly fuck up Rice and chicken or rice and fish ?

My dear friend, surely you jest...... C'mon down and hang out with me for a couple of days.

I'll make ya a friggin' expert....

09-30-2010, 12:00 PM
i see all the doom and gloom on sosua and guys saying it will never be the same. many are not booking on these reports

they go on to say they are looking other places to go and monger

all i can say, "MORE PUSSY FOR ME!! LOL and at a cheaper price no less as lack of demand and stiff competition will drive prices down

see you all there after the first of the year. well.... some of you

09-30-2010, 12:05 PM
Like I said, maybe they are cleaning up the streets some and toning down the hardcore solicitation on the streets, but the club scene is fine, and it is fine by me if they get some of the dregs off the street,

Just got word that lil' Claribel just came back on the scene after having her baby last month ....... and she got arrested last night, her first night back!!!!!!

She now has 3 babies mouths to feed, not to mention the abuela who watches them, and she used to also throw a couple bucks to her 14 y/o sister who had a kid with her classmate.

Now on the one hand no one told you to have 3 fuckin' kids before 25 y/o when you're already piss poor, and maybe because of that you deserve the misery you're living in, but i wonder what the people "in charge" expect her do to since they want to take away her only source of income.

09-30-2010, 12:09 PM
Now on the hand no one told you to have 3 fuckin' kids before 25 y/o when you're already piss poor, and maybe because of that you deserve the misery you're living in, but i wonder what the people "in charge" expect her do to since they want to take away her only source of income.

They are just showing her, that they are in charge and that she isn't.

09-30-2010, 12:10 PM
Just got word that lil' Claribel just came back on the scene after having her baby last month ....... and she got arrested last night, her first night back!!!!!!

She now has 3 babies mouths to feed, not to mention the abuela who watches them, and she used to also throw a couple bucks to her 14 y/o sister who had a kid with her classmate.

Now on the hand no one told you to have 3 fuckin' kids before 25 y/o when you're already piss poor, and maybe because of that you deserve the misery you're living in, but i wonder what the people "in charge" expect her do to since they want to take away her only source of income.

Post that on DR1 and ask if the kind & generous Souls on DR1 if they would not mind taking up a collection, since this poor girl now has 3 mouths to feed and it would be the Right thing to do, so she does not have to go back to selling her body to the Filthy Mongers.. I dare someone to post that. ( Mr Grey ????)

09-30-2010, 12:11 PM
so she does not have to go back to selling her body to the Filthy Mongers.. I dare someone to post that.

The dominicans that produced the three kids, do you think they took showers and put on their best clothes.:eek:

09-30-2010, 12:41 PM
yeah, more ugly hoes for you! :rofl:

09-30-2010, 02:08 PM
Not if you know where to find them my friend they are all over the island. Open your eyes and your mouth and you will be fine.

Chica's gotta eat, I gotta get a nut...

09-30-2010, 02:12 PM
Just got word that lil' Claribel just came back on the scene after having her baby last month ....... and she got arrested last night, her first night back!!!!!!

She now has 3 babies mouths to feed, not to mention the abuela who watches them, and she used to also throw a couple bucks to her 14 y/o sister who had a kid with her classmate.

Now on the one hand no one told you to have 3 fuckin' kids before 25 y/o when you're already piss poor, and maybe because of that you deserve the misery you're living in, but i wonder what the people "in charge" expect her do to since they want to take away her only source of income.

The hoes will adapt, I'm not worried about them. They'll get on the internet, they may start dressing a little more smartly, they will find away to get money.

09-30-2010, 02:14 PM
IAin't no chica crackdown stopping me, but I'm putting some santiago chicks on standby for my next trip.

09-30-2010, 02:16 PM
Not that I like it but.....at least they're thinking big. A lot of places don't.

Passport Playa
09-30-2010, 02:16 PM
Ain't no chica crackdown stopping me, bit I'm putting some santiago chicks on standby for my next trip.

Yo bruh:

Keep that on the low. Let the clowns be clowns!

Mr. Bangkok

09-30-2010, 02:33 PM
There are too many new threads being created restating the same topic.

Keep all future posts in the one that is still open

Thank you all for your continued support.


09-30-2010, 02:50 PM
The dominicans that produced the three kids, do you think they took showers and put on their best clothes.:eek:


I don't get it...

09-30-2010, 03:02 PM
The dominicans that produced the three kids, do you think they took showers and put on their best clothes.:eek:

And some guys eat that pussy after who knows what and who has been in it. :eek:

09-30-2010, 03:47 PM

I don't get it...

These chicas don't care if you rolled in shit, as long as you pay them.

09-30-2010, 03:52 PM
There are too many new threads being created restating the same topic.

Keep all future posts in the one that is still open

Thank you all for your continued support.

Click to see pic (http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy111/spartacuswsj3/asciismall.gif)

I merged it into this topic.:eek:

09-30-2010, 03:57 PM
Just got word that lil' Claribel just came back on the scene after having her baby last month ....... and she got arrested last night, her first night back!!!!!!

She now has 3 babies mouths to feed, not to mention the abuela who watches them, and she used to also throw a couple bucks to her 14 y/o sister who had a kid with her classmate.

Now on the one hand no one told you to have 3 fuckin' kids before 25 y/o when you're already piss poor, and maybe because of that you deserve the misery you're living in, but i wonder what the people "in charge" expect her do to since they want to take away her only source of income.

About 90% positive I just saw her cruise by while I was having a cerveza at C'est La Vie earlier today. You should see her leche-engorged breasts now - freaking huge - much larger than I remember. Looks like she put on some maternal fat to go with them though...

09-30-2010, 03:58 PM
These chicas don't care if you rolled in shit, as long as you pay them.

I did notice the Medellin chicas seemed to be cleaner or should I say have better hygiene. A few different ones I was with pulled out the hygiend wet wipes Sin Alcohol like baby wipes. One was real proud of them and showed me and well it was fun cleaning her. :lol:

09-30-2010, 04:24 PM
About 90% positive I just saw her cruise by while I was having a cerveza at C'est La Vie earlier today. You should see her leche-engorged breasts now - freaking huge - much larger than I remember. Looks like she put on some maternal fat to go with them though...

She always had nice titties so i can only imagine now. :iconTU:

However, the belly area was never tight and again, i can only imagine now. :icontd:

I'm sure someone's gonna sample those milk-laden titties ........ tell her Juan says hello. :corky:

09-30-2010, 04:28 PM
These chicas don't care if you rolled in shit, as long as you pay them.

If you're going use one of my favorite phrases, please do it properly.

It's "dipped in shit, and rolled in breadcrumbs" .

09-30-2010, 05:02 PM
I did notice the Medellin chicas seemed to be cleaner or should I say have better hygiene. A few different ones I was with pulled out the hygiend wet wipes Sin Alcohol like baby wipes. One was real proud of them and showed me and well it was fun cleaning her. :lol:I didn't notice any difference in hygiene between the Medellin and Sosua chicas. Casa chicas had the same hygiene as Passion chicas. And the street chicas from both places were all the same to me as well. Can't compare a casa chica with a street chica. Not regulated and not fare!!

09-30-2010, 05:41 PM
I didn't notice any difference in hygiene between the Medellin and Sosua chicas. Casa chicas had the same hygiene as Passion chicas. And the street chicas from both places were all the same to me as well. Can't compare a casa chica with a street chica. Not regulated and not fare!!

I agree with you that the casa chicas were similar to Passion in regard to hygiene. What I was thinking is that I have seen street rats in Sosua that are pretty tough and I didn't see too many of those except maybe in Mayorista.

09-30-2010, 06:06 PM
The Bars,Clubs have to be losing MAD money$,just cause of the mongers or gents before, would happily buys rounds and rounds of drinks(me included) for the Chicas in the past that would frequent the area single.
On the Bright side(Its always sunny in Sosua) ,Prices for Mongers have to be Rock bottom to get l$$d .The game is ,or seems tobe NO MORE TAKE OUT,JUST HAVE THE CH?CAS MEET YOU AT THE CASA. This temporary Govt take over is just that.These Ch?cas are still gonna reach for GOLD,some how some way.Remember, somebody has to provide food on the table.

09-30-2010, 06:22 PM
And here we have another out-of the-ass opinion....

The Bars,Clubs have to be losing MAD money$,just cause of the mongers or gents before, would happily buys rounds and rounds of drinks(me included) for the Chicas in the past that would frequent the area single.
On the Bright side(Its always sunny in Sosua) ,Prices for Mongers have to be Rock bottom to get l$$d .The game is ,or seems tobe NO MORE TAKE OUT,JUST HAVE THE CH?CAS MEET YOU AT THE CASA. This temporary Govt take over is just that.These Ch?cas are still gonna reach for GOLD,some how some way.Remember, somebody has to provide food on the table.

Dick Dawson
09-30-2010, 06:45 PM
And here we have another out-of the-ass opinion....

What is it with the you and the constant name calling?

09-30-2010, 06:51 PM
These chicas don't care if you rolled in shit, as long as you pay them.


Now I understand your meaning

09-30-2010, 06:53 PM
I merged it into this topic.:eek:

I understand that but they should really be able to figure it out for themselves...why not just add to a topic that already exists.

Its not like creating a new topic adds inches to your dick.


09-30-2010, 07:13 PM
These chicas don't care if you rolled in shit, as long as you pay them.

I beg to differ Jimmy. They'll still accept your money and fuck you. But never make the mistake of believing that they don't care what their tricks look and smell like.

I was in La Passions once, and there was this guy there who smelled so bad he made my eyes water. It was like he had a funk force field surrounding him, as he had the bar area within a 4 to 5 foot radius on either side, entirely to himself. None of the girls wanted to go near him. And this was before Peter renovated the place and instituted new rules. So there was nothing at all stopping them from going over and flirting in classic Passions chica fashion. But they all stayed away, muttering "fo" and "dios mio" under their breath.

Now, I have no doubt he could have beckoned a girl over and paid her to go to one of the back rooms. And he probably did. I don't know, as he was still there, reeking like a cesspool, when I left. But the girls' disgust was evident. And I've no doubt that it would have affected their performance, as they would have spent the least amount of time possible fucking his fetid ass.:icontd:

An extreme example, I know. But relevant all the same. Good hygiene, and a little attention given to personal grooming, goes a long way with these chicas.

09-30-2010, 07:17 PM
I was in La Passions once, and there was this guy there who smelled so bad he made my eyes water. It was like he had a funk force field surrounding him, as he had the bar area within a 4 to 5 foot radius on either side, entirely to himself. None of the girls wanted to go near him.
Why didn't you come over and say "hello"? I've always wanted to meet you.

09-30-2010, 07:22 PM
Why didn't you come over and say "hello"? I've always wanted to meet you.

Couldn't have been you Weyland. I'm of the opinion that this particular gentleman had sat down at the bar and actually died a few days earlier, and no one had noticed.:rofl:

09-30-2010, 10:02 PM
Several months ago a Russian auto shop near Alejo Martinez attacked with guns (hiring Haitians for this) another competing Russian auto shop "Victor", tried to kill Victor and his wife Lena, shot him in the legs. He was able to reach his guns and opened return fire to make them running leaving their Toyota...

Another Russian gang burnt Wild Coyotte that belongs to Alexey from St. Pitersburg for refuse to share profits with mafia and for attracting too many customers from al Porto.

Another Alexey`s (also from SPB) construction work (across the street from Red Square, former White Horse) was completely disabled and looted for the same reason.

It is not funny now.

Good example of how a thread can go FUBR. A lot of info but wrong conclusions.

Here is the deal.

Close to 100% of adult population in Europe or America have never heard of DR and have no idea where it is. Don't even start asking anyone about Sos.

From a business perspective DR is a no go. There is absolutely nothing to develop. At present all big Russian and Chinese interest is in Africa. If you want to witness what changes occur when real serious sovereign interest comes then go for example to Panama and see Chinese or Gulf states influence there.

DR is a poor man's paradise and it relates to non conventional businesses in the same fashion. It is a place for a poor lieutenant and his wife.

And all the talk about visas and passports is truly ridiculous.

Why would you believe me? Because I can spell St.Petersburg properly.

09-30-2010, 10:28 PM
Who is going to scrub the shit off the yacht? Rio Sosua is one of the most polluted rivers in the DR....

Not polluted anymore. I just read that they closed down the pig farm in Bella Vista that was dumping all it`s shit into the river. problem solved ! ! !

09-30-2010, 10:50 PM
I beg to differ Jimmy. They'll still accept your money and fuck you. But never make the mistake of believing that they don't care what their tricks look and smell like.

I was in La Passions once, and there was this guy there who smelled so bad he made my eyes water. It was like he had a funk force field surrounding him, as he had the bar area within a 4 to 5 foot radius on either side, entirely to himself. None of the girls wanted to go near him. And this was before Peter renovated the place and instituted new rules. So there was nothing at all stopping them from going over and flirting in classic Passions chica fashion. But they all stayed away, muttering "fo" and "dios mio" under their breath.

Now, I have no doubt he could have beckoned a girl over and paid her to go to one of the back rooms. And he probably did. I don't know, as he was still there, reeking like a cesspool, when I left. But the girls' disgust was evident. And I've no doubt that it would have affected their performance, as they would have spent the least amount of time possible fucking his fetid ass.:icontd:

An extreme example, I know. But relevant all the same. Good hygiene, and a little attention given to personal grooming, goes a long way with these chicas.

If it was my place I would have kicked his skunk ass out. Even a whore house has to have standards. :lol:

09-30-2010, 10:56 PM
Good example of how a thread can go FUBR. A lot of info but wrong conclusions.

Here is the deal.

Close to 100% of adult population in Europe or America have never heard of DR and have no idea where it is. Don't even start asking anyone about Sos.

From a business perspective DR is a no go. There is absolutely nothing to develop. At present all big Russian and Chinese interest is in Africa. If you want to witness what changes occur when real serious sovereign interest comes then go for example to Panama and see Chinese or Gulf states influence there.

DR is a poor man's paradise and it relates to non conventional businesses in the same fashion. It is a place for a poor lieutenant and his wife.

And all the talk about visas and passports is truly ridiculous.

Why would you believe me? Because I can spell St.Petersburg properly.

He can probably spell it right it is just that he is an example of why some people shouldn't drink because they open their mouth and say too much that they shouldn't even be talking about.

So how is the clean up going today in Sosua, I hope they start working on the bathrooms in most of the bars and restaurants soon. :lol:

10-01-2010, 01:50 PM
A Gentleman may carry a bag for a lady but a Man doesn't take attitude in public and only a Fucking Fool lets a woman handle all of his finances. No wonder there are so many guys destroyed in a Divorce, a woman should never know everything.

I wasn't specific enough in my use of the word 'bag'.

Of course a gentleman would carry a "regular" bag, heavy or not, rather than have his lady lug it around. The 'bag' i was referring to in my OP is a woman's bag, a purse bag, call it what you want.

Now you may not see this often in Minny, Mike, but you do see this from time to time in NYC. To each his own, but it's NOT a good look.

10-01-2010, 03:28 PM
I wasn't specific enough in my use of the word 'bag'.

Of course a gentleman would carry a "regular" bag, heavy or not, rather than have his lady lug it around. The 'bag' i was referring to in my OP is a woman's bag, a purse bag, call it what you want.

Now you may not see this often in Minny, Mike, but you do see this from time to time in NYC. To each his own, but it's NOT a good look.
Whadda ymean? I think it's a great look. For those man enough to carry it off. But for guys with shoulder-length hair ... hmmm ... maybe a step to far.


10-01-2010, 03:34 PM
Whadda ymean? I think it's a great look. For those man enough to carry it off:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/65684ca635eeda38f.jpg)

That has to be one of the biggest dildos I ever seen in your hand Weyland!:)

10-01-2010, 03:49 PM
And here we have it, straight from the horse's mouth...
See especially the last paragraph, and also notice that all of this coincides with the arrival of a new sheriff in town (new jefe de Politur).
Source: politur.gob.do

Fecha de publicación: 27/09/2010 8:56:49


La Dirección General de la Policía de Turismo (POLITUR), en coordinación con la Fiscalía del Distrito y la Policía Nacional, realizó un gran operativo en las zonas del Malecón, Parque Independencia, Zona Colonial, Av. Sarasota, entre otros puntos, donde fueron detenidas decenas de personas, dentro de ellas mujeres que se dedican a la prostitución en los entornos de los complejos turísticos, situación denunciada por diferentes sectores afectados.

El gran despliegue de estos operativos coordinados encabezados por POLITUR y que contó con casi un centenar de miembros y diecisiete fiscales, se realizó luego de una reunión que sostuviera la Asociación de Hoteles de Santo Domingo, con varias autoridades encabezada por Ministro de Turismo, Lic. FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA donde se trataron varios temas, como la electrificación del Malecón, reforzamiento de la seguridad en la zona, relanzamiento de Ciudad Colonial, entre otros.

Durante el operativo fueron halladas decenas de armas blancas y otros objetos cortantes, así como también la sustancia denominada “plomerito ó acido del diablo”, que portaban muchas de las mujeres detenidas.

El Mayor General PEDRO ANTONIO CACERES CHESTARO, E.N., (DEM), Director de POLITUR, manifestó que estos operativos se mantendrán permanentemente no solo en esta zona turística de la capital, sino que nuestro supervisores tienen las instrucciones para que se realicen en todos los polos turísticos del país donde POLITUR tiene presencia, porque nuestra misión es precisamente mantener y mejorar el clima de paz, tranquilidad y sosiego que viven estas zonas de recreación y descanso escogidas por nuestros visitantes.

10-01-2010, 05:03 PM
For those of us still struggling with Spanish, this is a quick Goggle translate;


The Directorate General of the Tourism Police (POLITUR), in coordination with the District Attorney's Office and the National Police conducted a big operation in areas of the Malecon, Independence Park, Zona Colonial, Av Sarasota, among other things, where they were arrested dozens of people within them women engaged in prostitution in tourist resorts environments, a situation reported by different sectors.

The large deployment of these operations coordinated and led by POLITUR which drew about one hundred and seventeen members prosecutors, was made after a meeting held by the Hotel Association of Santo Domingo, with various authorities led by Minister of Tourism, Mr. FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA which discussed various topics such as the electrification of the Malecon, strengthening security in the area of Ciudad Colonial revival, among others.

During the operation were found dozens of knives and other sharp objects, as well as the substance called "plomerito acid or the devil", carrying many of the women prisoners.

Major General Chestaro PEDRO ANTONIO CACERES, IN (DEM), Director of POLITUR said that these operations shall be kept not only in the tourist area of the capital, but our supervisors have the instructions that are carried in all poles POLITUR tour of the country where it operates, because our mission is precisely to maintain and improve the climate of peace, tranquility and calmness that live in these areas for recreation and rest chosen by our visitors.

10-01-2010, 05:27 PM
this town is dead ppl last night i left the hotel at 2:00 am latine was dead not even ONE guy winner circle was CLOSE at 2 cantrel bar was close clasico was a lil busy till 3 than it was dead as well in the last 2 night they are police all over at 4-5 in the morning so this place is way to far from what we are use too sorry for the bad info but thats what i see here

The Sage
10-01-2010, 05:30 PM
Got a loopy friend. Young girl a few months past 18. Carries the most wicked looking switch blade I have ever seen. The blade is about 4 inches long and 2 wide. Heavy gauge steel. A real quality piece. When she pulled it out of her purse I got uncomfortable. She says it's her protection from bitches in the street.

10-01-2010, 05:37 PM
this town is dead ppl last night i left the hotel at 2:00 am latine was dead not even ONE guy winner circle was CLOSE at 2 cantrel bar was close clasico was a lil busy till 3 than it was dead as well in the last 2 night they are police all over at 4-5 in the morning so this place is way to far from what we are use too sorry for the bad info but thats what i see here

Thanks for the info.

10-01-2010, 05:48 PM
Corroborates the account of my working contact from yesternight. No paying gringos in sight; she left w/o dineros at 2 am.

Policia/Politur were interfering w/ girls in the evening at the "parada" as they were arriving from out-of-town.

this town is dead ppl last night i left the hotel at 2:00 am latine was dead not even ONE guy winner circle was CLOSE at 2 cantrel bar was close clasico was a lil busy till 3 than it was dead as well in the last 2 night they are police all over at 4-5 in the morning so this place is way to far from what we are use too sorry for the bad info but thats what i see here

10-01-2010, 05:57 PM
Icon Dominican resort city woes its demise
http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/print.gifPrint (http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/tourism/2010/9/22/37045/print) http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/email.gifEmail http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/bookmark.gifBookmark http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/expand.gifSave to my profile (http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/my-saved-articles?action=add&article=37045) http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/comments.gif97 Comments - last on Sep 28 at 1:01 AM (http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/tourism/2010/9/22/37045/Icon-Dominican-resort-city-woes-its-demise#comments)
http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/bits/red-round-close.gifClose Gallery

Clouds of doom hang over Puerto Plat. Photo M. Wesoly.
http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/bits/blue-round-more.gifZoom Picture

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.- The fall in the tourism begins to affect everyone equally in the north coast province, crisis which worsens with massive layoffs as even new hotels close their doors for lack of guests.
In the 12 hotels that still operate in the Playa Dorada tourism complex, occupancy plummeted from 60 to 30 percent, while flights from Europe also fell.
In the resort’s shopping plaza 15 stores have placed closed signs while five hotels have closed in Playa Dorada.
The most recent to close was Viva Windham, with Alegro, Sol Tropical, Playa Dorada Hotel Club and the Green in El Royal before that, and in nearby Sosúa the Sol de Plata.
Others have temporarily halted operations for remodeling.
The American Rosael Montesinos, who for four years has been in charge of the company Alav Tours, affirms that two years ago guests lined for the tour operator’s services.
The businesswoman revealed that it recently sold 50 tickets in one week, which now take up to four months.
Fingerprinting for the zone’s demise is mutual, while some say it’s taxes, formal merchants and informal vendors blame the hotel representatives themselves, who “sell panic” by warning of alleged levels of insecurity in Puerto Plata’s streets.
Along the entire road to Puerto Plata, Sosúa and Cabarete, many of the eateries have vanished and those still open attract one or two customers per hour.
“Here we have a Tourism Vice Minister who doesn’t contribute anything to the city, nobody says what’s going to happen to those of us who are unemployed,” complains Miguel Angel González, while Milton Jiménez, who sells provisions, affirms that commerce “has gone belly up,” forcing him to layoff his six employees.
The crisis has also reached the taxi drivers, as from a high of 160 who serviced Playa Dorada, today only a few remain.
Taxi driver association president Segundo González affirms that the way in which the hoteliers have handled themselves with the foreign guests is the fiasco’s main cause.

10-01-2010, 05:58 PM
Official announces relaunch of Dominican Republic’s icon tourism region
http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/print.gifPrint (http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/tourism/2010/9/29/37119/print) http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/email.gifEmail http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/bookmark.gifBookmark http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/expand.gifSave to my profile (http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/my-saved-articles?action=add&article=37119) http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/img/icons/comments.gif29 Comments - last on Oct 1 at 11:57 AM (http://www.dominicantoday.com/dr/tourism/2010/9/29/37119/Official-announces-relaunch-of-Dominican-Republics-icon-tourism-region#comments)
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Sosua beach, Puerto Plata.
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Santo Domingo.- Tourism minister Francisco Javier Garcia on Tuesday said he heads a committee that includes all of Puerto Plata’s sectors to relaunch that tourism region, begun in the 1980s, the country’s first.
He said the plan includes an aggressive ad campaign in Spain, France and Canada, including a new promotion he received yesterday, to be shown in the United States. “It’s now possible to say that a true tourism relaunching plan for Puerto Plata has been elaborated.”
Garcia affirmed that the designed plan aims to restore the tourism region’s former splendor to attract the tourists that had visited it previously. “Puerto Plata is not only one of the country’s most complete tourist destinations, it’s one of the Caribbean’s most complete tourist destinations, and the investments that have been done the only thing required is the correct and adequate promotion.”
The official, whose statement comes after newspaper El Caribe published several articles on the closing of several hotels and the zone’s economic crisis, affirmed that Tourism will focus exclusively on promoting the tourism offer of the “Bride of the Atlantic” locally and abroad. “Puerto Plata has the most complete tourist offer and lacks only the joint work of all the clusters and representative sectors.”
Garcia spoke during the launch of the new internal Tourism ad campaign “Dare to know your country,” to spur Dominicans to discover their nation’s wonders.

10-01-2010, 06:01 PM
As an additional piece of information: look at the recent cancellations of scheduled flights into POP and STI (Delta, AA). It becomes more and more difficult/ cost-prohitive just to get there...

Icon Dominican resort city woes its demise
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Clouds of doom hang over Puerto Plat. Photo M. Wesoly.
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Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.- The fall in the tourism begins to affect everyone equally in the north coast province, crisis which worsens with massive layoffs as even new hotels close their doors for lack of guests.
In the 12 hotels that still operate in the Playa Dorada tourism complex, occupancy plummeted from 60 to 30 percent, while flights from Europe also fell.
In the resort’s shopping plaza 15 stores have placed closed signs while five hotels have closed in Playa Dorada.
The most recent to close was Viva Windham, with Alegro, Sol Tropical, Playa Dorada Hotel Club and the Green in El Royal before that, and in nearby Sosúa the Sol de Plata.
Others have temporarily halted operations for remodeling.
The American Rosael Montesinos, who for four years has been in charge of the company Alav Tours, affirms that two years ago guests lined for the tour operator’s services.
The businesswoman revealed that it recently sold 50 tickets in one week, which now take up to four months.
Fingerprinting for the zone’s demise is mutual, while some say it’s taxes, formal merchants and informal vendors blame the hotel representatives themselves, who “sell panic” by warning of alleged levels of insecurity in Puerto Plata’s streets.
Along the entire road to Puerto Plata, Sosúa and Cabarete, many of the eateries have vanished and those still open attract one or two customers per hour.
“Here we have a Tourism Vice Minister who doesn’t contribute anything to the city, nobody says what’s going to happen to those of us who are unemployed,” complains Miguel Angel González, while Milton Jiménez, who sells provisions, affirms that commerce “has gone belly up,” forcing him to layoff his six employees.
The crisis has also reached the taxi drivers, as from a high of 160 who serviced Playa Dorada, today only a few remain.
Taxi driver association president Segundo González affirms that the way in which the hoteliers have handled themselves with the foreign guests is the fiasco’s main cause.

10-01-2010, 06:05 PM
Official announces relaunch of Dominican Republic’s icon tourism region
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Sosua beach, Puerto Plata.
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Santo Domingo.- Tourism minister Francisco Javier Garcia on Tuesday said he heads a committee that includes all of Puerto Plata’s sectors to relaunch that tourism region, begun in the 1980s, the country’s first.
He said the plan includes an aggressive ad campaign in Spain, France and Canada, including a new promotion he received yesterday, to be shown in the United States. “It’s now possible to say that a true tourism relaunching plan for Puerto Plata has been elaborated.”
Garcia affirmed that the designed plan aims to restore the tourism region’s former splendor to attract the tourists that had visited it previously. “Puerto Plata is not only one of the country’s most complete tourist destinations, it’s one of the Caribbean’s most complete tourist destinations, and the investments that have been done the only thing required is the correct and adequate promotion.”
The official, whose statement comes after newspaper El Caribe published several articles on the closing of several hotels and the zone’s economic crisis, affirmed that Tourism will focus exclusively on promoting the tourism offer of the “Bride of the Atlantic” locally and abroad. “Puerto Plata has the most complete tourist offer and lacks only the joint work of all the clusters and representative sectors.”
Garcia spoke during the launch of the new internal Tourism ad campaign “Dare to know your country,” to spur Dominicans to discover their nation’s wonders.

It is a recession, people are losing their jobs and homes all around the US.

10-01-2010, 06:09 PM
Uccelli, Fuentes see Dominican economy on a roller coaster

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Bernardo Fuentes, Franco Uccelli
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New York. - The Dominican economy’s growth will decelerate in the second half this year and will gradually recover in 2011, while the pressures on the balance payments will most likely lead to a depreciation of the peso in 2011 and a gradual increase of interest rates.
These projections by the economist Bernardo Fuentes came in a panel organized by the group of Dominican professionals in Wall Street, as part of the activities hosted by the 18th edition of Dominican Week in the United States.
In the panel held in New York last week also participated JPMorganChase Emergent Markets executive director Frank Uccelli, who said the negative credit factors affecting the country risk classification (B1/B/B) and the performance of Dominican bonds are the high fiscal deficit, the electrical sector crisis, the increase in the oil bill, a fall in income from remittances, lower direct foreign investment, a fall in the net international reserves, as well as the expansion of the deficit in the current account.

Uccelli however, in his presentation titled “Dominican Republic: General and macroeconomic vision and Comparative Performance of Bonds,” affirmed that the positive aspects include an indication of clear policies; solid economic growth; monetary stability; healthy tourism activity and a good moment for classification risk toward a positive impulse.

Fuentes and Uccelli agreed on the need to observe events in the coming days, taking into account a possible fiscal adjustment; international oil prices; the economic deceleration; pressures on the exchange rate and the relations with the IMF.

I don't about this report they may have to update. Tourism is not that healthy when flights are being cut and hotels are closing.

10-01-2010, 06:10 PM
And here we have it, straight from the horse's mouth...
See especially the last paragraph, and also notice that all of this coincides with the arrival of a new sheriff in town (new jefe de Politur).
Source: politur.gob.do

Fecha de publicación: 27/09/2010 8:56:49


La Dirección General de la Policía de Turismo (POLITUR), en coordinación con la Fiscalía del Distrito y la Policía Nacional, realizó un gran operativo en las zonas del Malecón, Parque Independencia, Zona Colonial, Av. Sarasota, entre otros puntos, donde fueron detenidas decenas de personas, dentro de ellas mujeres que se dedican a la prostitución en los entornos de los complejos turísticos, situación denunciada por diferentes sectores afectados.

El gran despliegue de estos operativos coordinados encabezados por POLITUR y que contó con casi un centenar de miembros y diecisiete fiscales, se realizó luego de una reunión que sostuviera la Asociación de Hoteles de Santo Domingo, con varias autoridades encabezada por Ministro de Turismo, Lic. FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA donde se trataron varios temas, como la electrificación del Malecón, reforzamiento de la seguridad en la zona, relanzamiento de Ciudad Colonial, entre otros.

Durante el operativo fueron halladas decenas de armas blancas y otros objetos cortantes, así como también la sustancia denominada “plomerito ó acido del diablo”, que portaban muchas de las mujeres detenidas.

El Mayor General PEDRO ANTONIO CACERES CHESTARO, E.N., (DEM), Director de POLITUR, manifestó que estos operativos se mantendrán permanentemente no solo en esta zona turística de la capital, sino que nuestro supervisores tienen las instrucciones para que se realicen en todos los polos turísticos del país donde POLITUR tiene presencia, porque nuestra misión es precisamente mantener y mejorar el clima de paz, tranquilidad y sosiego que viven estas zonas de recreación y descanso escogidas por nuestros visitantes.

Thank you.

Now maybe some of the 1 and 2 trip experts and other non-believers will shut the fuck up.

10-01-2010, 06:11 PM
The crisis has also reached the taxi drivers, as from a high of 160 who serviced Playa Dorada, today only a few remain.
There is some good news, then. A satisfying cull of those thieving f*ckers.

10-01-2010, 06:12 PM
....and now is the time to cut out the only tourists that are travelling to the DR....yep, they know what they are doing!! LOL

10-01-2010, 06:17 PM
Are there less chicas? yes. Are things slower here? yes, but it is also slow season and that needs to be factored in. I have not witnessed the round-up of chicas as others have because I am home by that time. The common thing seems to be that these round-ups are happening after 1 or 2 in the morning. If your main reason for being here is toto then just make a selection earlier than that. They will not bother a chica that is already with a gringo. Is the bar crawl scene the same crazy shit as in the past? It does not sound like it from what I have heard because things are calming down earlier, read 2 or 3 AM. Adjust, adapt and overcome. Start your nite a little earlier, get back to the room with your chica little earlier and fuck her longer. You don't NEED to be out until 4 or 5 in the morning to have a good time. Guys like Jimbo that like to Bachata will love the fact that the Rumba bar has become the local hang out place. Plenty of local people having great time there dancing and stuff, just not at 3 in the morning.

Also it is slower during the day. Not as many chicas hanging at the bars at 2 in the afternoon. But from what I have seen there are more than enough to go around. Absolutely no doubt this BS combined with the economy and slow season, is having an effect. But if you let it ruin your good time, that is on you, in my opinion. The biggest issue is for the people that have been coming for many trips/years. They will notice the difference more than guys that have only been here once or twice. Take the time to spend a day in Cabarette or POP. I'll talk to my grandfather there and see if he can spare the time to show some people around. Just be advised that you may have trouble keeping up with him.

10-01-2010, 06:20 PM
It's a damn shame no wants to stand up for these girls.

Prostitution is legal in DR (only pimping is illegal) so they're actually being arrested for loitering. What a joke. What i think needs to happen is for ONE girl who really isn't a prostitute, but rather just hanging at Flow or Rumba, to get arrested and for her to have some connections so someone in charge has his ass handed to him and is forced to acknowledge how fuckin' ridiculous arresting women for crossing the street really is.

10-01-2010, 06:20 PM
For those of us still struggling with Spanish, this is a quick Goggle translate;


The Directorate General of the Tourism Police (POLITUR), in coordination with the District Attorney's Office and the National Police conducted a big operation in areas of the Malecon, Independence Park, Zona Colonial, Av Sarasota, among other things, where they were arrested dozens of people within them women engaged in prostitution in tourist resorts environments, a situation reported by different sectors.

The large deployment of these operations coordinated and led by POLITUR which drew about one hundred and seventeen members prosecutors, was made after a meeting held by the Hotel Association of Santo Domingo, with various authorities led by Minister of Tourism, Mr. FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA which discussed various topics such as the electrification of the Malecon, strengthening security in the area of Ciudad Colonial revival, among others.

During the operation were found dozens of knives and other sharp objects, as well as the substance called "plomerito acid or the devil", carrying many of the women prisoners.

Major General Chestaro PEDRO ANTONIO CACERES, IN (DEM), Director of POLITUR said that these operations shall be kept not only in the tourist area of the capital, but our supervisors have the instructions that are carried in all poles POLITUR tour of the country where it operates, because our mission is precisely to maintain and improve the climate of peace, tranquility and calmness that live in these areas for recreation and rest chosen by our visitors.

Honestly, they really should have started with the beggars, and kids running around. They are the potential threats to tourists. Fine they want to keep the chicas off the street. We get it, and will adjust accordingly.

I would Rather live the life that Robert and Weyland are living they are still doing fine.

10-01-2010, 06:20 PM
Jimbo if you want to hit the bomba in Sabaneta on a Sunday afternoon hit me up. It will blow you away.

Could you elaborate? What is the bomba? I'll be in Cabarette at the end of November and I'm always looking for new places other than Sosua and POP.

10-01-2010, 06:21 PM
Could you elaborate? What is the bomba? I'll be in Cabarette at the end of November and I'm always looking for new places other than Sosua and POP.

Its a place to drink, dance and meet chicas.

10-01-2010, 06:25 PM
Honestly, they really should have started with the beggars, and kids running around. They are the potential threats to tourists. Fine they want to keep the chicas off the street. We get it, and will adjust accordingly.

I would Rather live the life that Robert and Weyland are living they are still doing fine.

That is true but we have different goals and a much different time frame to achieve them. It is certainly a problem for the guys that come here for a week to party all night, get crazy and smash as many chicas as possible.

10-01-2010, 06:27 PM
They can all join you in Medellin...?

And as paying subscribers of ISOC, of course!

It is a recession, people are losing their jobs and homes all around the US.

10-01-2010, 06:27 PM
Are there less chicas? yes. Are things slower here? yes, but it is also slow season and that needs to be factored in. I have not witnessed the round-up of chicas as others have because I am home by that time. The common thing seems to be that these round-ups are happening after 1 or 2 in the morning. If your main reason for being here is toto then just make a selection earlier than that. They will not bother a chica that is already with a gringo. Is the bar crawl scene the same crazy shit as in the past? It does not sound like it from what I have heard because things are calming down earlier, read 2 or 3 AM. Adjust, adapt and overcome. Start your nite a little earlier, get back to the room with your chica little earlier and fuck her longer. You don't NEED to be out until 4 or 5 in the morning to have a good time. Guys like Jimbo that like to Bachata will love the fact that the Rumba bar has become the local hang out place. Plenty of local people having great time there dancing and stuff, just not at 3 in the morning.

Also it is slower during the day. Not as many chicas hanging at the bars at 2 in the afternoon. But from what I have seen there are more than enough to go around. Absolutely no doubt this BS combined with the economy and slow season, is having an effect. But if you let it ruin your good time, that is on you, in my opinion. The biggest issue is for the people that have been coming for many trips/years. They will notice the difference more than guys that have only been here once or twice. Take the time to spend a day in Cabarette or POP. I'll talk to my grandfather there and see if he can spare the time to show some people around. Just be advised that you may have trouble keeping up with him.

Glad you were thinking about your pops.


10-01-2010, 06:28 PM
They can all join you in Medellin...?

And as paying subscribers of ISOC, of course!

Truth is, many flights are cancelled and many people are staying home. If a country lives off of Tourism, well times are bad now.