View Full Version : Arrest warrant issued for a general

08-09-2006, 07:00 PM
A magistrate in San Cristobal has issued a bench warrant for the arrest of General Juan Ramon de la Cruz Martinez, the director general of prisons for the Dominican Republic. The magistrate, Francisco Mejia Angomas, said that the general has defied and disobeyed his order to issue a letter of good conduct for a prisoner held at Azua jail. General de la Cruz Martinez told reporters that the good conduct letter was not issued because the prisoner had committed crimes while in jail. Speaking to Hoy reporter Diego Pesquiera, the general said that the judge's order was an abuse of power. He said that the magistrate wanted him to issue the good conduct letter for a drug trafficker, which was something he could not do since the person had been caught with marijuana in jail, and had been transferred from La Victoria Prison to Azua prison. The general said that he could not understand why the magistrate had issued a bench warrant for his arrest, since the prison system was duly represented by its lawyers at the hearings and that he, personally would never do anything to hinder the justice process.

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